Sony Launches Kinect Bashing Website

Sony Launches Kinect Bashing Website

While Microsoft is all out and about hyping their upcoming controller-less Kinect, Sony's marketing of its MOVE motion controller seems to be amateurish to say the least.

Sony has stated explicitly that they have no intention to outspend Microsoft's Kinect's marketing budget, but creating a single page website to glorify buttons feel a bit too cheap for our taste.

The cheesy site,, consists of nothing but a large photo of Move's Wand controller. Pressing any of the Wand's buttons causes a speech bubble to pop up, (over)glorifying the importance of buttons for gaming and claiming that it is crazy to believe that expect a button-less game not to suck.

As far as we are concerned, we believe that post launch titles are the only thing that can make or break both systems.