Eidos GM: Innovation Is Not Needed In Sophisticated Games

Eidos GM: Innovation Is Not Needed In Sophisticated Games

Eidos Montreal general manager Stéphane D'Astous believes that the sophistication of modern games eliminates the need for innovation and new game mechanics.

"Games are more and more sophisticated; it's less based on one or two mechanics. I think this replaces the necessity of having new IPs," he pondered. "Innovation and ideas are important, but if you're able to bring forward an existing IP to bring new types of experiences, I think people will buy them, because they know they can relate to a franchise they've played before."

"A major re-launch of a title like Deus Ex and Thief, we considered it almost like a new IP, certainly in the effort. So we bring back something from the cult classics. This is maybe not considered new IP, but it brings a new flavor."