Still Life 2 Demo

Still Life 2 Demo Still Life 2 Demo Still Life 2 Demo Still Life 2 Demo

Who is hiding behind Mr. X? Still Life 2 reveals the long-awaited ending of Still Life and spells a new investigation for Agent Victoria McPherson.

In Fall 2008, Victoria is sent to Maine where Ellen Dunnigan's body has just been found. The modus operandi and the video sent to the police and press leave them in no doubt as to the killer's identity: the East Coast Killer has struck again! No clues are picked up during the autopsy, as the serial killer painstakingly washed the body. Once again, the killer has not committed any errors.

From her motel room, Victoria comes across a report by Paloma Hernandez, the journalist covering all the crimes bearing the East Coast Killer's signature. Hernandez has been highly critical of the FBI's and Victoria's lack of progress. That does not stop Hernandez from phoning and asking Victoria to meet her later that evening. Hernandez claims to have some so-called clues on the killer in her possession. Victoria flatly refuses. Just moments later, Paloma is kidnapped by the Killer…

Still Life 2 remains true to the spirit of its first installment and continues to allow to play and manage two characters bound by the same fate. This time, the aim is to control two heroines, see the game from two complementary viewpoints and experience two different gameplays. Depending on whetheryou are playing Paloma Hernandez, the victim being hunted by the killer or Victoria McPherson, the FBI agent tracking him down, you can alternate between survival and investigation.

Still Life 2 is in development at Gameco Studios and is being produced fully in real-time 3D. The game is due to be released on PC in Q2 2009.

Text file description:

LiesMich: STILL LIFE 2
1. Einleitung
2. Mindestvoraussetzungen und Installation
3. Zustzliche Informationen
4. Deinstallation von STILL LIFE 2
5. Technischer Support und Kontakt
6. Webseiten
7. Rechtliches
1. Einleitung
Achtung: STILL LIFE 2 bentigt DirectX 9c selbst dann, wenn DirectX 10 installiert sein sollte (z.B. bei Vista).
Gehe wie folgt vor, um das Spiel zu spielen:
1) Starte STILL LIFE 2.
2) Whle Neues Spiel im Hauptmen aus.
2. Mindestvoraussetzungen und Installation
Die Mindestvoraussetzungen lauten wie folgt:
Betriebssystem: 	Windows XP/Vista
Prozessor: 		 Intel Pentium IV 1.5 GHz, AMD Athlon 1800+
			[ Intel Pentium IV 2.5 GHz, AMD Athlon 3000+ empfohlen]
Festplattenspeicher: 	5 GB freier Speicher
RAM: 			512 MB RAM [1024 MB empfohlen]
Grafikkarte: 		3D DirectX 9.0c kompatibel, Pixel Shader 2.0 - 128 MB VRAM
			mindestens Nvidia FX5200, ATI Radeon 9600, Intel GMA 950
Soundkarte: 		DirectX 9 kompatibel
Tastatur und Maus: 	DirectX 9 kompatibel
Wir empfehlen dringend, alle Anwendungen vor Start der Installation zu beenden. Dies beinhaltet insbesondere Bildschirmschoner und Antiviren-Software, die bei der Installation stren knnte. Vergiss nicht, diese anschlieend wieder einzuschalten.
1. Lege die STILL LIFE 2 DVD in dein DVD-ROM-Laufwerk.
2. Wenn die Autostart-Funktion deines Computers eingeschaltet ist, startet die Installation selbstttig beim Einlegen der DVD. Folge dann den Bildschirmanweisungen.
Wenn Autostart ausgeschaltet ist, gehe wie folgt vor:
ffne die Startleiste von Windows und whle "Ausfhren" aus. Tippe dort den Buchstaben deines DVD-Laufwerks ein gefolgt von ":\setup.exe (zum Beispiel: D:\setup.exe)
doppelklicke auf Arbeitsplatz. Rechtsklicke auf dem DVD-Laufwerkssymbol und whle dann "ffnen" im sich ffnenden Men. Doppelklicke anschlieend die Datei "SETUP.EXE", um die Installation zu beginnen.
3. Lies und akzeptiere die Endbenutzervereinbarung und dann folge den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm.
Achtung: STILL LIFE 2 bentigt DirectX 9c selbst dann, wenn DirectX 10 installiert sein sollte (z.B. bei Vista).
4. Die Installation legt eine Programmgruppe im Start-Men an.
Um das Spiel zu starten, doppelklicke das Still Life 2 Symbol auf dem Desktop.
3. Zustzliche Informationen
Die folgenden Informationen haben sich seit Drucklegung des Handbuchs gendert oder fehlen dort:
- Vergiss den Speicherort deiner Spielstnde nicht, damit du sie wiederfindest.
- STILL LIFE 2 wurde fr eine Bildschirmauflsung von 1024x768 erstellt.
- Sollte das Spiel zu langsam werden, ndere die Spieleinstellungen (Hauptmen -> Optionen) und verringere die Darstellungsqualitt.
4. Deinstallation des Spiels
Folge den Anweisungen, um STILL LIFE 2 zu deinstallieren:
Whle in der Windows-Startleiste:
Start -> Programme -> Microids -> STILL LIFE 2 -> Still Life 2 deinstallieren
Die Deinstallation lscht deine Spielstnde nicht.
5. Kontaktieren des technischen Supports
Wenn du technische Probleme mit diesem Spiel hast und die Anweisungen in diesem Readme und dem Booklet nicht geholfen haben, dann kannst du unseren Support folgendermaen erreichen:
Bitte halte die folgenden Informationen bereit:
1) Informationen ber die Konfiguration deines Computers (RAM, MHz, Sound- und Grafikkarte etc.).
2) Eine detaillierte Beschreibung des Problems (z.B. mit genauer Fehlermeldung, Beschreibung der letzten Spielsituation, Screenshot etc.).
3) Du kannst genauere Informationen zu deiner Hard- und Software mit dem Programm DxDiag erlangen. Gehe wie folgt vor:
	Klicke auf Start (zum ffnen der Startleiste)
	Klicke auf Ausfhren
	Gib ein: dxdiag
	Klicke auf OK
	Klicke auf "Alle Informationen speichern", um die Daten in eine Datei zu speichern.
6. Webseiten
7. Rechtliches
Copyright  2009 MC2 France - Microids
Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
1. Introduction
2. Minimum configuration and Installation
3. Additional information
4. Uninstalling STILL LIFE 2
5. Technical support and Contact
6. Internet sites
7. Legal information
1. Introduction
ATTENTION: the game STILL LIFE 2 requires the installation of DirectX 9c to work, even on the configurations Windows Vista with DirectX 10.
To play the game:
1) Starting STILL LIFE 2
2) Select New Part in the main menu
2. Minimum configuration and Installation
The minimum configuration is the following:
Operating system: 	Windows XP/Vista
Processor: 		 Intel Pentium IV 1,5 Ghz, AMD Athlon 1800+
			[ Intel Pentium IV 2,5 Ghz, AMD Athlon 3000+ recommended]
Hard drive space: 	5 GB available
RAM: 			512 Mb of RAM [1024 Mb recommended]
DVD-ROM: 		DVD-ROM 16x reader
Graphics card: 		3D DirectX 9.0c Compatible, Pixel shaders 2,0 - 128 Mb vram
			Nvidia FX5200, ATI Radeon 9600, Intel GMA 950 minimum
Sound card: 		DirectX 9 compatible
Keyboard and Mouse: 	DirectX 9 compatible
Installation instructions
We strongly recommend that you exit all applications before starting the installation of any software on your computer. This applies in particular to screensavers or anti-virus software, which may interfere with the installation procedure.
1. Insert the  STILL LIFE 2  DVD-ROM into your DVD-ROM reader.
2. If the Windows automatic run function is activated, the installation will start automatically when you insert the DVD-ROM into the reader. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen.
If the automatic run function is disabled on your computer, proceed as follows:
Click Start on the Windows desktop. Select Run and type the letter corresponding to your DVD-ROM reader and then install.exe (for example: D:\install.exe)
Double-click on "My computer". Click the right mouse button on your DVD-ROM reader and then select Open to display the content of the DVD-ROM. Double-click on the "INSTALL.EXE" file to start the installation.
3. Read and click to accept the Final User License Contract and then follow the instructions displayed on the screen.
Attention: the game STILL LIFE 2 requires the installation of DirectX 9c to work, even on the configurations Windows Vista with DirectX 10.
4. The installation will create a group of programs in the Start menu and place an icon to start the game in the Windows Start menu.
5. To start the game, in the Windows desktop, select:
Start -> Programs -> Microds -> STILL LIFE 2 -> Still Life 2
3. Additional information
The following information was modified or did not appear in the original game manual:
- Remember the location of your save files and their location, so that you can find them easily if necessary.
- STILL LIFE 2 is made to be played in resolution 1024x768.
- If the game turns slowly, think to modify the game's options (Main Menu -> Options) and choose the propositions minimum.
4. Uninstalling the game
To uninstall  STILL LIFE 2 , follow the procedure below:
On the Windows desktop, select:
Start -> Programs -> Microids -> STILL LIFE 2 -> Uninstall Still Life 2
Uninstalling the game does not delete your files of saving.
5. Contacting customer services
If you encounter technical problems with this software after having followed the instructions in this ReadMe.TXT file and the booklet contained in the box, sent a email to customer services of Microids.
you can sent the following informations :
1) Information on the configuration of your computer (RAM memory, MHz, sound and video cards, etc.).
2) A detailed description of the problem (for example: reference of the error message, indication of the location where the problem occurred in the game, screenshots, etc.).
3) You can also consult information about the hardware and software by starting the DxDiag application. Proceed as follows:
	Click on Start
	Click on Run
	Enter dxdiag
	Click on OK
	Click on Save all information to save the file on your hard disk.
6. Internet sites
7. Legal information
Copyrights  2009 MC2 France - Microids
All rights reserved.
1. Introduccin
2. Configuracin mnima e instalacin
3. Informacin adicional
4. Desinstalar STILL LIFE 2
5. Asistencia tcnica y contacto
6. Sitios de internet
7. Informacin legal
1. Introduccin
ATENCIN: el juego STILL LIFE 2 necesita la instalacin de DirectX 9c, incluso en el caso de configuraciones de Windows Vista con DirectX 10.
Para jugar:
1) Iniciar STILL LIFE 2
2) Seleccionar Nueva parte en el men principal
2. Configuracin mnima e instalacin
La configuracin mnima es la siguiente:
Sistema operativo: 	Windows XP/Vista
Procesador: 		 Intel Pentium IV 1,5 Ghz, AMD Athlon 1800+
			[ Intel Pentium IV 2,5 Ghz, AMD Athlon 3000+ recomendado]
Espacio en disco duro: 	5 GB disponibles
RAM: 			512 Mb de RAM [1024 Mb recomendados]
DVD-ROM: 		lector DVD-ROM 16x
Tarjeta grfica: 		3D compatible con DirectX 9.0c, Pixel Shader 2.0, 128 Mb vram
			Nvidia FX5200, ATI Radeon 9600, Intel GMA 950 mnimo
Tarjeta de sonido: 		compatible con DirectX 9
Teclado y ratn: 	compatibles con DirectX 9
Instrucciones de instalacin
Se recomienda cerrar todas las aplicaciones antes de iniciar la instalacin de cualquier software. Esto se aplica en particular a salvapantallas y software antivirus, que pueden interferir con el proceso de instalacin.
1. Inserta el DVD-ROM de STILL LIFE 2 en el lector de DVD-ROM.
2. Si la funcin de ejecucin automtica de Windows est activada, la instalacin comenzar automticamente cuando insertes el DVD-ROM en el lector. Sigue las instrucciones que aparezcan en pantalla.
Si la funcin de ejecucin automtica est desactivada, procede del modo siguiente:
Haz clic en Inicio, en el escritorio de Windows. Selecciona Ejecutar, teclea la letra correspondiente al lector de DVD-ROM y despus install.exe (por ejemplo: D:\install.exe)
Haz doble clic en "Mi PC". Haz clic derecho en el lector de DVD-ROM y despus selecciona Abrir para mostrar el contenido del DVD-ROM. Haz doble clic en el archivo "INSTALL.EXE" para iniciar la instalacin.
3. Lee y acepta el contrato de licencia para usuario final y despus sigue las instrucciones que aparezcan en pantalla.
Atencin: el juego STILL LIFE 2 necesita la instalacin de DirectX 9c, incluso en el caso de configuraciones de Windows Vista con DirectX 10.
4. La instalacin crear automticamente un grupo de programas y colocar un icono para iniciar el juego en el men Inicio de Windows
5. Para iniciar el juego desde el escritorio de Windows, selecciona:
Inicio > Programas > Microds > STILL LIFE 2 > Still Life 2
3. Informacin adicional
La siguiente informacin se modific o no apareci en el manual de juego original:
- Recuerda la ubicacin de los archivos de guardado para que puedas encontrarlos fcilmente si es necesario.
- STILL LIFE 2 se ha creado para jugarse en una resolucin de 1024x768.
- Si el juego se ralentiza, puedes modificar las opciones del juego (Men principal > Opciones) y elegir los valores mnimos.
4. Desinstalar el juego
Para desinstalar STILL LIFE 2, efecta los siguientes pasos:
En el escritorio de Windows, selecciona:
Inicio > Programas > Microds > STILL LIFE 2 > Desinstalar Still Life 2
Al desinstalar el juego no se borran los archivos de guardado.
5. Contactar con el servicio de atencin al cliente
Si encuentras problemas tcnicos con el software despus de haber seguido las instrucciones de este archivo Leme y del folleto que contena la caja, enva un correo electrnico al servicio de atencin al cliente de Microds.
Correo electrnico:
Puedes enviar la siguiente informacin:
1) Informacin sobre la configuracin de tu ordenador (memoria RAM, MHz, tarjetas de sonido y grfica, etc.).
2) Descripcin detallada del problema (por ejemplo: referencia del mensaje de error, indicacin del lugar del juego donde ocurri el problema, capturas de pantalla, etc.)
3) Tambin puedes consultar informacin sobre el hardware y el software iniciando la aplicacin DxDiag. Procede del siguiente modo:
	Haz clic en Inicio
	Haz clic en Ejecutar.
	Teclea dxdiag
	Haz clic en OK
	Haz clic en Guardar la informacin para guardar el archivo en el disco duro.
6. Sitios de internet
7. Informacin legal
Copyright  2009 MC2 France - Microids
Reservados todos los derechos.
Lisez-moi: STILL LIFE 2
1. Introduction
2. Configuration minimale et installation
3. Informations complmentaires
4. Dsinstallation de STILL LIFE 2
5. Support technique & Contact
6. Site Internet
7. Informations lgales
1. Introduction
ATTENTION : le jeu STILL LIFE 2 necessite l'installation de DirectX 9c pour fonctionner, mme sur les configurations Windows Vista possedant DirectX 10
Pour jouer au jeu:
1) Lancer STILL LIFE 2
2) Slectionner Nouvelle Partie dans le menu principal
2. Configuration minimale et Installation
Configuration minimale:
	Systme dexploitation : 	 Windows XP/Vista
	Processeur : 			 Intel Pentium IV 1,5 Ghz, AMD Athlon 1800+
					[ Intel Pentium IV 2,5 Ghz, AMD Athlon 3000+ recommand]
	Mmoire Ram :			512 Mo minimum [1024 Mo recommand]
	Espace disque :			5 GO minimum
	Lecteur DVD-ROM :		4x [16x recommand]
	Carte vido :			3D Compatible DirectX 9.0c, Pixel shaders 2,0 128 Mo vram
					Nvidia FX5200, ATI Radeon 9600, Intel GMA 950 minimum
	Carte son :			Compatible DirectX 9
	Priphriques :			Clavier et souris compatible DirectX 9
Instructions d'installation
Il est fortement conseill de fermer tous les programmes non essentiels avant de lancer linstallation du logiciel sur votre ordinateur. Cela inclut les conomiseurs dcran et les logiciels anti-virus, qui peuvent interfrer avec le programme dinstallation.
1. Insrer le DVD-ROM de  STILL LIFE 2  dans votre lecteur de DVD-ROM. Si le mode de lancement automatique est activ sur votre ordinateur, linstallation dmarrera automatiquement lors de linsertion du DVD dans le lecteur. Suivez alors les instructions  lcran.
2. Si le mode de lancement automatique est dsactiv sur votre ordinateur, procdez comme suit :
dans le bureau Windows, cliquez sur  Dmarrer . Slectionnez  Excuter  et saisissez la lettre correspondant  votre lecteur de DVD-ROM, suivie de INSTALL.EXE (exemple : D:\Install.exe).
Autre solution : double-cliquez sur  Poste de Travail . Cliquez avec le bouton droit sur le lecteur de DVD-ROM contenant le DVD de  STILL LIFE 2 , puis slectionner  Ouvrir  pour accder au contenu du DVD-ROM. Double-cliquez sur le fichier  INSTALL.EXE  pour lancer linstallation.
3. Lisez et acceptez laccord de licence utilisateur final, puis suivez les instructions  lcran.
Attention : le jeu STILL LIFE 2 necessite l'installation de DirectX 9c pour fonctionner, mme sur les configurations Windows Vista possedant DirectX 10
4. Linstallation crera automatiquement un groupe dicnes de programme et une option de dmarrage rapide dans votre menu  Dmarrer  de Windows.
5. Pour lancer le jeu  partir du bureau  Windows , slectionnez :
Dmarrer -> Programmes -> Microds -> STILL LIFE 2 -> Still Life 2
3. Informations complmentaires
Les informations suivantes ont t modifies ou n'apparaissaient pas dans le manuel original du jeu :
- Pensez  retenir le nom de vos fichiers de sauvegarde et leur emplacement, de sorte que vous puissiez les retrouver facilement si ncessaire.
- STILL LIFE 2 est fait pour tre jou en rsolution 1024x768.
- Si le jeu tourne au ralenti, pensez  modifier les options d'affichage du jeu (Menu Principal -> Options) en choisissant les propositions minimum.
4. Dsinstallation du jeu
Pour dsinstaller  STILL LIFE 2 , procdez comme suit : sur le bureau Windows, slectionnez
	Dmarrer -> Programmes -> Microds -> STILL LIFE 2 -> Dsinstaller Still Life 2
La dsinstallation du jeu ne supprime pas vos fichiers de sauvegarde.
5. Contacter le service clientle
Franceet Pays Francophones - Support Technique
Si vous rencontrez des problmes techniques avec ce logiciel aprs avoir suivi les instructions de ce fichier Lisez-moi.TXT et du livret contenu dans le botier, envoyez un courrier lectronique au support technique de Microids :
Pour faciliter l'analyse de votre problme et la rponse du technicien,
Veuillez vous fournir des documents suivants:
1) Informations sur la configuration de votre ordinateur (mmoire RAM, MHz, carte son et carte vido, etc.).
2) Une description dtaille du problme (par exemple: citation du message derreur, indication de lendroit o se produit le problme dans le jeu, capture d'cran, etc.).
3) Vous pouvez galement consulter les informations relatives au matriel et au logiciel en lanant lapplication DxDiag.
Procdez de la manire suivante:
	Cliquez sur Dmarrer
	Cliquez sur Excuter
	Saisissez dxdiag
	Cliquez sur OK
	Cliquez sur Enregistrer toutes les informations pour sauvegarder le fichier sur votre disque dur.
6. Sites Internet
7. Informations lgales
Copyrights  2009 MC2 France - MICROIDS
Tous droits rservs.
Leggimi: STILL LIFE 2
1. Introduzione
2. Configurazione minima e installazione
3. Informazioni aggiuntive
4. Disinstallare STILL LIFE 2
5. Supporto tecnico e contatti
6. Siti Internet
7. Informazioni legali
1. Introduzione
ATTENZIONE: per il corretto funzionamento di STILL LIFE 2 sar necessaria l'installazione di DirectX 9c, anche per le configurazioni di Windows Vista dotate di DirectX 10.
Per giocare:
1) Avviare STILL LIFE 2
2) Scegliere Nuova partita nel menu principale
2. Configurazione minima e installazione
Configurazione minima:
Sistema operativo: 	Windows XP/Vista
Processore: 		 Intel Pentium IV 1,5 Ghz, AMD Athlon 1800+
			[consigliato  Intel Pentium IV 2,5 Ghz, AMD Athlon 3000+]
Spazio su disco: 	5 GB di spazio disponibile
RAM: 			512 Mb di RAM [consigliato 1024 Mb]
DVD-ROM: 		Lettore DVD-ROM 16x
Scheda grafica:         Compatibile con 3D DirectX 9.0c, Pixel shaders 2,0 - 128 Mb vram
			Minimo Nvidia FX5200, ATI Radeon 9600, Intel GMA 950
Scheda audio: 		Compatibile con DirectX 9
Tastiera e mouse: 	Compatibile con DirectX 9
Istruzioni di installazione
Si consiglia di chiudere tutte le applicazioni non essenziali prima di avviare il programma di installazione sul computer. Ci include programmi salvaschermo e antivirus, i quali potrebbero interferire con la procedura di installazione.
1. Inserisci il disco di "STILL LIFE 2" nel lettore DVD-ROM.
2. Se la funzione di avvio automatico  attiva sul tuo computer, l'installazione verr avviata automaticamente dopo aver inserito il disco nel lettore. Segui le istruzioni riportate sullo schermo per procedere.
Se la funzione di avvio automatico non  attiva sul tuo computer, procedi come segue:
- fai clic su "Start", seleziona "Esegui" e digita la lettera corrispondente al tuo lettore DVD-ROM, seguita da INSTALL.EXE (esempio: D:\Install.exe).
- fai doppio clic su "Risorse del computer". Fai clic col tasto destro sul lettore DVD-ROM che contiene il DVD di "STILL LIFE 2", quindi seleziona "Apri" per accedere ai contenuti del lettore DVD-ROM. Fai doppio clic sul file "INSTALL.EXE" per avviare l'installazione.
3. Leggi e fai clic per accettare l'accordo di licenza per l'utente finale, e segui le istruzioni riportate sullo schermo.
Attenzione: STILL LIFE 2 richiede l'installazione di DirectX 9c per il corretto funzionamento, anche per le configurazioni di Windows Vista dotate di DirectX 10.
4. L'installazione generer automaticamente un gruppo di icone per il programma e un'opzione di avvio rapido nel menu "Start" di Windows.
5. Per avviare il gioco dal desktop di Windows, seleziona:
Start > Programmi > Microds > STILL LIFE 2 > Still Life 2
3. Informazioni aggiuntive
Le seguenti informazioni sono state modificate o non appaiono nel manuale di gioco originale:
- Ricorda la posizione dei tuoi salvataggi, cos da poterli reperire facilmente in caso di necessit.
- STILL LIFE 2  stato concepito per essere giocato in risoluzione 1024x768.
- Se il gioco dovesse rallentare, prova a modificare le opzioni di gioco (Menu principale > Opzioni) e scegli i parametri minimi.
4. Disinstallare il gioco
Per disinstallare "STILL LIFE 2", procedi come segue:
Sul desktop di Windows, seleziona:
Start -> Programmi -> Microids -> STILL LIFE 2 -> Disinstalla Still Life 2
Disinstallando il gioco non eliminerai i tuoi file di salvataggio.
5. Contattare l'assistenza clienti
Se dovessi avere problemi con questo programma dopo aver seguito le istruzioni contenute in questo file Leggimi.TXT e nel manuale contenuto nella scatola, invia un'email al servizio clienti di Microids.
Puoi inviare le seguenti informazioni:
1) Informazioni sulla configurazione del tuo computer (memoria RAM, MHz, scheda video e audio, ecc.).
2) Una descrizione dettagliata del problema (ad esempio: riferimento al messaggio di errore, indicazione della posizione all'interno del gioco in cui il problema si  verificato, schermate, ecc.).
3) Puoi anche consultare le informazioni sull'hardware e sul software lanciando l'applicazione DxDiag. Procedi come segue:
	Fai clic su Start
	Fai clic su Esegui...
	Digita dxdiag
	Fai clic su OK
	Fai clic su Salva tutte le informazioni per salvare il file sul tuo disco fisso.
6. Siti Internet
7. Informazioni legali
Copyright  2009 MC2 France - Microids
Tutti i diritti riservati.
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File name:

File size: 1.02 GB

Mime type: Stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary