FIFA: Road to the World Cup '98 - Ghost Players

FIFA: Road to the World Cup '98 - Ghost Players

Ghost Players

Select Slovakia and at the Player Edit screen enter LASKO as a h3 which is casesensitive.

Creations Programmers Team

Select England and at the Player Edit screen enter BURYFC as a h3 which is casesensitive.

Invisible Players

Select SheffieldW and at the Player Edit screen enter WAYNE as a h3 which is casesensitive.

Black and White Mode

Select Canada and at the Player Edit screen enter MARC as a h3 which is casesensitive.

No Stadium

Select any team and at the Player Edit screen enter CATCH22 as a h3 which is casesensitive.

Small Players

Select Vancouver and at the Player Edit screen enter KERRY as a h3 which is casesensitive.

Full Upside Down Screen

Select Australia and at the Player Edit screen enter NWODEDISPU as a h3 which is casesensitive.

Partial Upside Down Screen

Select Vancouver and at the Player Edit screen enter TED as a h3 which is casesensitive.

View Victory Sequences

Select Japan and at the Player Edit screen enter NORIE as a h3 which is casesensitive. Then at the Round Select screen press Z CLeft CUp.

Hot Potato Mode

Select Ireland R Ireland or UEFA and at the Player Edit screen enter SPUD as a h3 which is casesensitive.

Invisible Walls

Select Wales and at the Player Edit screen enter WARREN as a h3 which is casesensitive.

Unlimited Player Attribute Points

Select Vancourver and at the Player Edit screen enter DAVE as a h3 which is casesensitive.

World Cup Mode Round Select

Select Japan and at the Player Edit screen enter YUJI as a h3 which is casesensitive.

Giant Players

In Season/League Mode select Brazil. Pause gameplay highlight Music Volume and press CUp CDown Start B.