Diablo Hellfire editor

Diablo Hellfire editor

Diablo Hellfire editor

Text file description:

// Structure of Diablo character
typedef struct_diablo_equip
	long Id1;
	long Id2;
	long Id3;
// Id3 : 0 => Books, Potions, Elixirs, Scrolls
//	 1 => Daggers, Swords, Falchions, Scimitars
//	 2 => Axes
//	 3 => Bows
//	 4 => Clubs, Flails, Maces
//	 5 => Shields
//	 6 => Cloaks, Capes, Armors
//	 7 => Caps, Skull Caps, Helms, Crowns
//	 8 => Mails
//	 9 => Plates
//	 A => Staves
//	 B =>
//	 C => Rings
//	 D => Amulets
//	 E =>
//	 F =>
	long Unknown0C [11];
	long Flag_Identified;	// 0 => Not Identified/Normal Item, 1 => Identified
	unsigned char Item_Type;// 0 => Normal, 1 => Special (blue), 2 => Unique (Yellow)
	char Description[64];// Normal Name / Not Identified Name
	char Name[64];// Identified Name
	unsigned char Placement;
	//	1 => One Handed Weapon
	//	2 => Two Handed Weapon
	//	3 => Armor
	//	4 => Head Gear
	//	5 => Ring
	//	6 => Amulet
	//	7 => None
	unsigned char Classifies;
	//	1 => Damage (Weapons)
	//	1 => Armor Class (Armors)
	//	1 => None
	unsigned char UnknownBF;
	unsigned char Graphic;// see crymson list
	unsigned char UnknownC1;
	unsigned char UnknownC2;
	unsigned char UnknownC3;
	long UnknownPrice;
	long KnownPrice;
	long MinDamage;
	long MaxDamage;
	long ArmorClass;
	unsigned char UnknownD8;
	unsigned char MagigSpecialAbility;
	unsigned char CombatSpecialAbility;
	unsigned char AdditionalDamage;
	long MagicType;
	long SpellType;
	long StaffChargesNow;
	long StaffChargesMax;
	long DurabilityNow;	//255
	long DurabilityMax;	//255 => Indestructible
	long DamageBonus;	// * 100 => 0xC4 give 1% etc...
	long ToHitBonus;	//%
	long ArmorBonus;
	long StrengthBonus;
	long MagicBonus;
	long DexterityBonus;
	long VitalityBonus;
	long ResistFire;	//% 75% => Max
	long ResistLightning;	//%
	long ResistMagic;	//%
	long ManaBonus;		// * 64 => 0x40 give 1 point etc...
	long LifeBonus;		// * 64
	long DamageBonus2;	// No Blue HighLight
	long Abs_AngelBonus;	// 1 => Spell Level + 1
				// 2 => Spell Level + 2 etc...
				// 0xFFFFFFFF => -1 damage from ennemis
				// 0xFFFFFFFE => -2 damage from ennemis etc...
	long RadianceBonus;	//10% => 1 give 10% radiance
	long Unknown130;
	long UniqueItemNumber;
		//0x00 => for Normal item or Butcher's Cleaver for special item
		// to 0x59
	long Unknown138;
	long MinAddDamage;
	long MaxAddDamage;
	long Unknown144;
	long Unknown148;
	unsigned char ItemPrefix;
	unsigned char ItemSuffix;
	unsigned char Unknown14E;
	unsigned char Unknown14F;
	long Unknown150;
	long Unknown154;
	long Unknown158;
	long Unknown15C;
	char MinStrengthReq;
	char MinMagicReq;
	char MinDexterityReq;
	char MinVitalityReq;
	long ItemUseAllowed;	// 0 => Use Not Allowed, 1 => Use Allowed
	long Unknown168;
	long Unknown16C;
} DIABLO_EQUIPMENT;		// 368 bytes (0x170)
typedef struct _diablo_char
  char          iddumpfile[21];
  unsigned char SpellLevels[70];	//0 to 35 only		(offset 0)
  unsigned char SpellFlags[8];		//			(offset 0x46)
  unsigned char Unknown4E[48];		//			(offset 0x4E)
  char          HeroName[32];		//16 bytes + NULL	(offset 0x7E)
  char          CharacterType;		//0: Warrior		(offset 0x7E + 0x20)
					//1: Rogue
					//2: Sorcerer
//***** in reverse byte order ie High/xx/xx/Low ***********************
//***** High order byte is don't care (0x03 if win against Diablo)
  long          Strength[2];		// [0]: Now		(offset 0x7E + 0x21)
					// [1]: Base		(offset 0x7E + 0x25)
  long		Magic[2];		// [0]: Now		(offset 0x7E + 0x29)
					// [1]: Base		(offset 0x7E + 0x2D)
  long		Dexterity[2];		// [0]: Now		(offset 0x7E + 0x31)
					// [1]: Base		(offset 0x7E + 0x35)
  long		Vitality[2];		// [0]: Now		(offset 0x7E + 0x39)
					// [1]: Base		(offset 0x7E + 0x3D)
  long          LevelUp;		//Points to Distribute	(offset 0x7E + 0x44)
  long		BaseDamage;		//			(offset 0x7E + 0x48)
  long          Unknown4C;		//			(offset 0x7E + 0x4C)
  long          BaseLifeNow;		//Hit Points * 64	(offset 0x7E + 0x50)
  long          BaseLifeMax;		//			(offset 0x7E + 0x54)
  long          ModifiedLife[2];	//Hit Points * 64
					// [0]: Now		(offset 0x7E + 0x58)
					// [1]: Max		(offset 0x7E + 0x5C)
  long          Unknown60;		//			(offset 0x7E + 0x60)
  long          BaseManaNow;		//Mana * 64		(offset 0x7E + 0x64)
  long          BaseManaMax;		//			(offset 0x7E + 0x68)
  long          ModifiedMana[2];	//Mana * 64
					// [0]: Now		(offset 0x7E + 0x6C)
					// [1]: Max		(offset 0x7E + 0x70)
  long          Unknown74;		//			(offset 0x7E + 0x74)
  long          CharacterLevel;		//High order byte is don't care (!= 0 if win against Diablo)
					//			(offset 0x7E + 0x78)
  long          Experience;		//			(offset 0x7E + 0x7C)
  long          Unknown80;		//			(offset 0x7E + 0x80)
  long          NextLevelExpPoints;	//			(offset 0x7E + 0x84)
  char          Unknown88;		//			(offset 0x7E + 0x88)
  char          ResistMagic;		//			(offset 0x7E + 0x89)
  char          ResistFire;		//			(offset 0x7E + 0x8A)
  char          ResistLightning;	//			(offset 0x7E + 0x8B)
  long          TotalGold;		//			(offset 0x7E + 0x8C)
  long		Unknown90[107];		//			(offset 0x7E + 0x90)
  EQUIPMENT     Head;			//			(offset 0x7E + 0x23C)
  EQUIPMENT     RightRing;		//			(offset 0x7E + 0x3AC)
  EQUIPMENT     LeftRing;		//			(offset 0x7E + 0x51C)
  EQUIPMENT     Neck;			//			(offset 0x7E + 0x68C)
  EQUIPMENT     RightHand;		//			(offset 0x7E + 0x7FC)
  EQUIPMENT     LeftHand;		//			(offset 0x7E + 0x96C)
  EQUIPMENT     Body;			//			(offset 0x7E + 0xADC)
  EQUIPMENT     Inventory[40];		//			(offset 0x7E + 0xC4C)
  long          InventoryCount;		//			(offset 0x7E + 0x45CC)
  unsigned char Location[40];		//			(offset 0x7E + 0x45D0)
  EQUIPMENT     Belt[8];		//			(offset 0x7E + 0x45F8)
  char          eos[1];			//			(offset 0x7E + 0x5178)
This trainer has been verified and it
'works'. If you find any difficulties
please refer to the documentation that
comes with the trainer (if there is any)
or it must be due to the version
differences of the game that was used
for creating this trainer and the version
you are using.


File information

Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.

Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).

This is almost always a false alarm.

File name: diablohelled.zip

File size: 457.22 KB

Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary

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