World of Warcraft is a decade+ old game at this point and though Blizzard has done a good job of improving the graphics and aesthetics of Azeroth as time has gone on, there are certain aspects that just don't feel contemporary.
One of those is draw distance, but that's going to change with the next expansion, Legion, with Blizzard massively scaling back that blue fog and making it so that the world of Warcraft, feels a hell of a lot bigger.
Announced in a blog post over this weekend just gone, Blizzard's team said that they had made some big changes to improve the draw distance and it would dramatically make the world feel bigger.
In one of the given screenshots, you can't even see Karabor before the blue fog swallows up the horizon. Now, if you crank the draw distance up to its maximum, you can see it just fine.
In terms of numbers, Blizzard is almost trebling what your'e capable of seeing. The highest draw distance/fog ratio that you can introduce in Warlords of Draenor is 1,300. With Legion, that number jumps up to 3,500.
That's a big difference.
You will need to be able to run the game on Ultra settings, which is consistently requiring a higher barrier for entry, but the game is still not much of a resource hog compared to most modern games, so it shouldn't be too difficult for most.
For those that do find it hard though, Blizzard is also instigating a new lowest rating on its 10 scale of visual quality, meaning even those with integrated graphics should be able to play WoW in some form.