Final Fantasy 7 Ultima Edition (+50 Trainer)

Final Fantasy 7 Ultima Edition (+50 Trainer)

Final Fantasy 7 Ultima Edition (+50 Trainer)

Text file description:

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                          - ascii by Shaikh Adeel        00                         u0d
                                  ExTaLiA Gamehacking Team
    Extalia Proudly Present:
     [ Releaser Name   ] ..... Wiccaan
     [ Releaser Email  ] .....
     [ Release Name    ] ..... Final Fantasy VII - Ultima Edition
     [ Release Type    ] ..... Trainer
     [ Release Version ] ..... 0.1
     [ Release Size    ] ..... 652 Kb
     [ Release Date    ] ..... 28/04/05
                                       Release Usage
        Open Trainer, Run Game, Alt + Tab back and forth for options.
                                     JOIN THE EXTALIERS
       If you think you're good enough to join the extalia project and release varius of
     trainers/editors then dont hesitate to fill the membership application! Simply visit
     the URl below and fill your join form:
                                      Extalia Greets
       Elissaios, Phoenix, Deathstar, Simon L, Raven, Sn0k, Sheep, Mango, StormBringer,
     Micral, Wicked, Porfa, BliZZard, Tsonkie, Hype, n0n-phyxi0n, Miltiades, empty, NH2.
     AND ALL IN TEAM EXTALIA. And ALL we have forgot, sorry...
                                      Personal Greets
       Elissaios, Phoenix, Deathstar, Raven, Mango, Micral, Hype, Delusion,
       The Extalia member directory is respected by the Extalia council and members.
          Copyrights/work/trades registered by the respected Extalia GHT members.
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*[Releaser's Nick	: Chuck K. - "Wiccaan"
*[Name Of The Game	: Final Fantasy VII - Ultima Edition
*[Version Of The Game	: Ultima Edition Only!
*[Game Homepage		: Who gives a fuck? Its not free anyway.
*[Your Trainer Version	: .1
*[Number Of Options	: +50
*[Release Date		: Thursday, April 25, 2005
|  How To Use							|
1. Open trainer.
2. Run Game.
3. Alt + Tab back and forth for cheats.
4. Go to and become a member!
-Character Lv, HP, MP, STATS, and Limit break should be self explainitory.
[ Misc Hacks ]
-Save = Save Anywhere
-Random = No Random Battles
[ Battle Gains ]
-EXP = Gain 99999999999 exp after battle.
-AP = Gain 99999999999 AP after battle.
-GIL = Gain 99999999999 Gil after battle.
[ Extras ]
-Save Dialog = Patch Save dialog box.
-Save Anywhere = Path Save Anywhere (Not on a timer)
-Events (Opens new window for event hacks)
-Window Colors (Personally my favorite :D Took a little more time to code this then any other part.)
  Allows you to change the window colors used in the game just like the options screen part. Just
  in a trainer :D The colors are a little off but are pretty damn close. The Get Colors From Game
  option now works. Use that option to get the colors the game is using at that time.
-World Map = Shows a world map of the game with all the locations on it.
|  Contact - Info						|
*[HomePage	  : /
*[Email           : /
This program has been tested and provided to you "AS IS", meaning we do
not take any responsibility for anything you do with it. It has been
tested and should work perfectly on your system.

File information

Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.

Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).

This is almost always a false alarm.


File size: 463.8 KB

Mime type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary

Trainer FAQ