Ajax - Various Cheats

Ajax - Various Cheats

Various Cheats

First backup your game then using the DOS utility DEBUG type the following at the DOS prompt:

For CGA game:
ren cga.ovr cheater.cht
debug cheater.cht
For infinite lives type:
e 2abe 90 90
For infinite bombs type:
e 2083 90 90 90 90
Then type:

For EGA game:
ren ega.ovr cheater.cht
debug cheater.cht
For infinite lives type:
e 2f39 90 90
For infinite bombs type:
e 24a2 90 90 90 90
Then type:

For TGA game:
ren tga.ovr cheater.cht
debug cheater.cht
For infinite lives type:
e 2e2b 90 90
for infinite bombs type:
e 2281 90 90 90 90
Then type:

Then reh3 CHEATER.CHT back to its previous h3.