Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction - Smash Point Levels

Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction - Smash Point Levels
Smash Point Levels: Password:
TRY AGAIN 1 Bruce Banner
MUTANDA 2 Spiller of Milk
SMASH5 3 Puny Monkey
FSHNCHP 4 Puny Human
OCANADA 5 You're Not Really Trying
SMASH15 6 Big, Green and Useless
BANDERA 7 Merely Annoying
DEUTSCH 8 Hulk Smash
CABBIES 9 Civil Disaster
SMASH10 10 Sheer Carnage
FURAGGU 11 Mass Destruction
DRAPEAU 12 Catastrophic Destruction
AMERICA 13 Total Devastation
RETRO 14 Strongest One There Is
BRING IT 15 Ultimate Destruction

Aggressive traffic:
Enter FROGGIE as a password. This doubles the speed of traffic and removes the veer functionality so that it is more aggressive.

Cow missiles:
Enter CHZGUN as a password to replace all missiles in the Outskirts with cows.

5,000 Smash Points:
Enter SMASH5 as a password.

10,000 Smash Points:
Enter SMASH10 as a password.

15,000 Smash Points:
Enter SMASH15 as a password.