Craft Items, Repair Items, Upgrade Blocks, Repair Blocks, Reload Weapons, Repair Vehicles, Refuel Vehicles, Refuel Generators
From nearby Storage Crates, Player Storage (drawers, fridges, etc.), and/or Vehicles
Fully configurable and compatible with most storage mods!
Updated for v1.0 of the game, expanded functionality, improved performance, and more configuration options!
Requires EAC to be DISABLED
Requires '0_TFP_Harmony'; comes with v1.0 of the game. Re-validate files on steam if you deleted it.
Report if you see any bugs and I'll investigate/fix.
- Craft items (always on)
- Repair items (configurable; defaults ON)
- Upgrade blocks (configurable; defaults ON)
- Repair blocks (configurable; defaults ON)
- Refuel vehicles (configurable; defaults OFF)
- Repair vehicles (configurable; defaults OFF)
- Refuel generators (configurable; defaults OFF)
- Using storage nearby (range configurable; defaults unlimited range)
- Expanded available containers (includes fridges, drawers, etc.) (configurable; defaults ON)
- Option to pull from Vehicle storage as well. (configurable; defaults OFF)
- Server option to force clients to use server-side Beyond Storage config settings (configurable; defaults ON)
Configuration File (\Mods\BeyondStorage\BeyondStorage\config.json):
- range: distance in blocks you need to be within to have storage available.
- EX: 40.0 will allow accessing storage within 40 blocks.
- Setting to -1 will remove distance check, limited only by loaded chunks.
- Defaults -1
- enableForBlockRepair: if set 'true' will allow REPAIRING BLOCKS using materials from nearby storage.
- Defaults true
- enableForBlockUpgrade: if set 'true' will allow UPGRADING BLOCKS using materials from nearby storage.
- Defaults true
- enableForItemRepair: if set 'true' will allow ITEM REPAIRING using materials from nearby storage.
- Defaults true
- enableForGeneratorRefuel: if set to 'true' will allow REFUELING GENERATORS using fuel from nearby storage.
- Defaults false
- enableForReload: if set 'true' will allow RELOADING WEAPONS using ammo from nearby storage.
- Defaults true
- enableForVehicleRefuel: if set to 'true' will allow REFUELING VEHICLES using fuel from nearby storage.
- Defaults false
- enableForVehicleRepair: if set to 'true' will allow REPAIRING VEHICLES using items from nearby storage.
- Defaults false
- onlyStorageCrates: if set 'true' will ONLY check Storage Crates (ignores fridges, drawers, etc.).
- Defaults false
- pullFromVehicleStorage: if set 'true' will also check/pull from VEHICLE STORAGE.
- Defaults false
- serverSyncConfig: if set 'true' on a server it will force clients to use server mod config settings.
- Defaults true
- isDebug: if set to 'true' will provide additional logging, mainly used for development/bug testing.
- Defaults false
File information
File name: 7DaysToDie_BeyondStorage_v3.0.0.zip
File size: 20.16 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary