Manhunt 2 (Unlocker) [Reptile]

Manhunt 2 (Unlocker) [Reptile]

Manhunt 2 (Unlocker) [Reptile]

Text file description:

22:47 16.02.2010
                _     _
 _ __ ___ _ __ | |_(_) | ___
| '__/ _  '_ | __| | |/ _
| | |  __/ |_) | |_| | |  __/
|_|  \___| .__/ \__|_|_|\___|
MANHUNT 2 SAVEGAME (99%) end level
make a copy from your savegame !!!
and your settings folder.
maybe u dont need my settings folder.
copy the files in :
C:Dokumente und Einstellungenyour-xp-name-hereLokale EinstellungenAnwendungsdatenRockstar GamesManhunt 2
press "continue game" for the last level.
this is not a 100% savegame...but u can play the last level.
ive added this for the game scene, because no savegame is in the net.
have fun,

File information

Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.

Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).

This is almost always a false alarm.


File size: 1.31 MB

Mime type: Stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary

Trainer FAQ