MLB Slugfest 2004 - Various Codes

MLB Slugfest 2004 - Various Codes

Various Codes

When the screen pops up right before you start the game you have three boxes you can change them for code input. The X button changes the first box. The A button changes the second and the B button changes the third box. Example for code 1-1-2-Left you would press X,A,B,B, left control stick Left.

Alien team -- 2-3-1 down
Bobble Head team -- 1-3-3 down
Casey team -- 2-3-3 down
Dolphin team -- 1-0-2 down
Dwarf team -- 1-0-3 down
Eagle team -- 2-1-2 right
Evil Clown team -- 2-1-1 down
Gladiator team -- 1-1-3 down
Horse team -- 2-1-1 right
Lion team -- 2-2-0 right
Little League team -- 1-0-1 down
Minotaur team -- 1-1-0 down
Napalitano team -- 2-3-2 down
Olshan team -- 2-2-2 down
Pinto team -- 2-1-0 right
Rivera team -- 2-2-2 up
Rodeo Clown team -- 1-3-2 down
Scorpion team -- 1-1-2 down my favorite
Subzero team -- 1-2-2 down
Terry Fitzgerald team -- 3-3-3 right
Todd McFarlane -- 2-2-2 right

Blade Bat -- 0-0-2 up
Bone Bat -- 0-0-1 up
Ice Bat -- 0-0-3 up
Long bat -- 0-0-4 Up
Wiffle bat -- 0-0-4 Right
Mace bat -- 0-0-4 Left
Softball bat -- 2-4-2 Down
Rubber Ball -- 2-4-2 Up
Maximum Speed -- 0-0-3 Left
Maximum Power -- 0-3-0 Left
Maximum Batting -- 3-0-0 Left
Big Head -- 2-0-0 Right
Small Head -- 2-0-0 Left
Infinite Turbo -- 4-4-4 Down
Tourney Mode -- 1-1-1 Down
No Fatigue -- 3-4-3 Up
Roman Coliseum -- 3-3-3 Up
Rocket Park Stadium -- 3-2-1 Up
Pinto Team Brown Horse -- 2-1-0 Right
Lion Team -- 2-2-0 Right
Eagle Team -- 2-1-2 Right
White Horse Team -- 2-1-1 Right
Terry Fitzgerald Team -- 3-3-3 Right
Todd McFarlane Team -- 2-2-2 Right
Extra Time After Plays are made -- 1-2-3 Up
No Contact Mode -- 4-3-3 Left

Get Sub-Zero TeamMK

on the cheat menu put 1-2-2 down.


2-1-1 DOWN


1-1-3 DOWN


1-1-2 DOWN

Casey's Team

3-3-3 down