Artifact shows up in DotA 2

Artifact shows up in DotA 2

Yo dawg, we heard you liked DotA 2, so we put a DotA 2 card game in DotA 2, so you can DotA 2 while you DotA 2... or at least, some NPCs can. Valve's card game inspired by the MOBA, Artifact, has now made its way into DotA 2 itself. Next time you spawn, look out for a table not too far from you staffed by a couple of imps, who appear to be playing a very particular card game.

Originally spotted by Twitter user, Wykhrm Reddy, he posted an image showing the Monkey King standing across a candle-lined tabletop with a pair of imps, who appear to be dealing with some lanes of their own.

As PCGamesN highlights, this raises all sorts of confusing questions about DotA 2's lore. Since the Artifact card game is supposed to be a meta take on the DotA 2 experience, does that mean that Artifact and DotA 2 exist in the same universe, is one a game in another, vice versa, or both?

Next time you're having a round of DotA 2, see if you can spot the Artifact table. Does it make sense in your mind, or is this just a fun bit of cross-promotion?