Final Fantasy VII remaster will have full voice acting

Final Fantasy VII remaster will have full voice acting

Although Advent Children gave fans of Final Fantasy VII a strong idea of what their favourite (non-dead) characters sounded like, the classic game gave us no such indication. Along with paint-brush hands, text dialogue was a staple of the time and although the translation was far from perfect, it did have a style al to itself.

That won't be there with the currently ongoing HD remastering which is changing up the combat system to make it more dynamic and more in-line with more recent Square Enix developments we're told. Each character will have full voice acting.

"We still haven't decided the voices of the characters that weren't in Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children," said game director Tetsuya Nomura via Gemetsu when asked about the recent trailer release for the Final Fantasy VII remake.

What will be interesting however, is whether this means we'll be getting Japanese voice actors with English subtitles, or vice versa - or both even.

Which would you like to see?

Also in the news is the fact that the map won't necessarily be exactly the same as it was. Nomura said that the developers weren't fussing over whether it was technically an open world or sandbox, but wanted it to be clear the impact players were having there.