God of War PC will have both DLSS and FSr at launch

God of War PC will have both DLSS and FSr at launch

The God of War PC port slated to arrive in January 2022, will support both of the major upscaling technologies: Nvidia's deep learning super sampling, and AMD's FidelityFX Super Resolution. FSR is supported by all GPUs, even if it is the less sophisticated upscaler. DLSS, on the other hand, deliver a better looking overall experience, but it's not so starkly different that you'd necessarily want to buy an Nvidia GPU just to get it.

Fortunately, you won't have to, as both FSR and DLSS will be available at launch, so God of War fans can enjoy the performant enhancements of dynamic upscaling without worrying about what GPU they have.

The official specifications for God of War on PC haven't been released yet, with Sony keeping its cards close to its chest about how capable a PC you'll need. However, considering the game runs just fine on PS4 and PS5, it seems likely you won't need a cutting edge gaming PC to enjoy it. For the newly enhanced, 4K, high frame rate experience, however, expect to need the latest and greatest hardware.

If you can use DLSS or FSR (which almost anyone can) though, you'll be able to take advantage of either to up your frame rate at lower resolutions, while maintaining image quality. Both have proven very effective in enhancing games like Control, and Rift Breaker.

God of War is slated to hit PCs on January 14, 2022.