Although hardly a ground breaking MMO in many respects, Black Desert, the - until now - Korean exclusive title has one of the worlds most in-depth and beautiful character creators, making some of the most detailed in-game avatars ever created - and they can look just how you want them to as well.
But of course being limited to Korea has meant that the rest of the world hasn't had a chance to try it out. Not for much longer though, as in 2016, Black Desert is coming to both America and Europe, letting everyone have a play with the detailed character creator.
And the rest of the game of course.
"We are putting a lot of effort in the game’s Western localization," said developer Daum Games’s Daniel "Belsazar" Loehr.
"We are localizing approximately 2.5 million words into English, German and French. Black Desert Online’s content and gameplay systems will be adjusted to accommodate Western players and our differentiating business model."
Although hardly groundbreaking Black Desert Online has been well received since releasing in the East. Do you think you'll give it a try when it's made available in the West next year?