Valve denies CS:GO Portal Easter Egg is hint of new game

Valve denies CS:GO Portal Easter Egg is hint of new game

Valve has denied that a recently discovered Easter Egg for its Portal franchise within the new map for CS:GO's newly released Danger Zone battle royale game mode, is a hint at a potential new game or new content in the franchise. It claims instead that it was just a fun addition developers left in for fans of Valve's other games. What a shame.

The original rumor appeared following the discovery of a way to enter a blocked room in the battle royale map. The boarded up room of the map's "motel," was number three, a rather significant number for Valve in more ways than one. Inside the room was a bank of computers, which if you stood next to long enough, would trigger a series of beeps and letters, which when decoded, reads "This was a triumph, I'm making a not here: Huge Success." An obvious reference to the Still Alive song from the original Portal game.

There were a few other clues within the map too, suggesting that Valve may be launching a brand new ARG. That wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility, since Portal 2 was first hinted at through an ARG, as Kotaku highlights.

Unfortunately, that seems not to be the case.

"Congrats to all who have found our Portal Easter egg on dz_blacksite!" the official CSGO Twitter account said. "We’re just having a bit of fun and the Easter egg is not a product announcement. Enjoy Danger Zone!"

Gabe Newell has since debunked the rumor too.