Animal Jam

Animal Jam

Game Cheats:

How to get 1st place in best dressed always:
Usually you get third or fourth thats okay because now you wont if you read this and follow the instuctions. If you pick the ones that are the best do not. Jammers choose the jammers that are really dressed up like whatit says really good.

How to trade and get more than one thing at the same time:
First you click on two jammers and go to on of the trade and choose what you want.Next you go to the other jammer and choose what you want from them then you choose what you want to trade with. Then click trade. WARNING!!!, jammers might decline trade and doesn't work with all jammers.

Secret color:
First you go to the color pallet then click the bottom right corner of the pallet until you get a slnowflake blue color

How to fly in coral canyons:
If you really want to fly in coral canyons you have to go where the top stairs are in the right click a name tag go to games and then click the top of the game best dress and while you running click a game then exite - it might not work for some jammers.