Chinese MMO, Justice, adds Nvidia DLSS and RTX ray tracing

Chinese MMO, Justice, adds Nvidia DLSS and RTX ray tracing

Add another game to the list of titles that support Nvidia's new DLSS and RTX ray tracing technologies enabled by its Turing-generation of graphics cards. It's another game you're unlikely to ever play, but it is there, showing that there is still potential for the new technology, even if early implementation hasn't exactly been smooth, or as impactful as fans may have hoped.

Justice is a Chinese MMO with all of the typical trappings that that brings. However, it has a slower pace than many of the other games that are implementing the technologies, which could mean that there is greater chance to enjoy the visual improvements that such enhancements bring.

In a new demo shown off by Nvidia, several scenes are rendered with and without the ray tracing and DLSS features in place. In such a demo, the improvements are obvious, although we'll need to see real gameplay footage from a third-party to know for sure how impressive it is.

It's concerning how some scenes show a massive performance problem with RTX enabled, too.

The current number of games supporting Nvidia's DLSS technology numbers less than 30, while ray tracing is less than 15. Of all of those games though, only a handful are actually available to play. Battlefield V is one, but as with other implementations, the effect of these technologies appears minimal for now, and the performance hit for ray tracing is huge, even on the 2080 Ti graphics card which costs well north of $1,000.