Half-Life 2: Episode Two - Steam (+6 Trainer)

Half-Life 2: Episode Two - Steam (+6 Trainer)

Half-Life 2: Episode Two - Steam (+6 Trainer)

Text file description:

:-:                                                     :-:
:-:   %%%%% &&&   &&& %%%%%%%% %%%%% %%    &&     %%%%% :-:
:-:  %%%     &&& &&&     %%   %%  %% %%    &&    %%  %% :-:
:-: %%%%%%    &&&&&     %%   %%   %% %%    &&   %%   %% :-:
:-: %%%      &&& &&&   %%   %%%%% %% %%    &&  %%%%% %% :-:
:-:  %%%%%  &&&   &&& %%   %%     %% %%%%& && %%     %% :-:
:-:                &&&  G H T                           :-:
:-:                 &&&    Da Fighters Of Gamez         :-:
:-:                  &&&      ****://www.extalia.com    :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: [ Releaser Name   ] ..WnS                           :-:
:-: [ Release Name    ] ..Half-Life 2: Episode Two      :-:
:-: [ Release Date    ] ..10/17/2007                    :-:
:-: [ Release Type    ] ..Trainer                       :-:
:-: [ Release Size    ] ..70kb                          :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: [ Release Usage   ]                                 :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Before whining it doesn't work, check your game     :-:
:-: folder (/episodic/bin) for "server.dll"`s size!     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Game has been trained using UNLEASHED version,      :-:
:-: for which "server.dll" is 6.85 MB!                  :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Options:                                            :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: F1 - God Mode                                       :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Turn it on, and you shall gain upon first hit 100   :-:
:-: HP and 200 Armor.                                   :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: F2 - Infinite Ammo                                  :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Does what it says. Unlimited ammo for all           :-:
:-: weapon types, including nades...                    :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: F3 - Infinite Power                                 :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: I summed both power types - auxiliary and           :-:
:-: flashlight - in one option. Turn it on, and you     :-:
:-: won't have to worry about any of the two            :-:
:-: getting consumed...                                 :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: F4 - Invisibility                                   :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Once turned on, everyone will become                :-:
:-: invisible to everyone. This can be done             :-:
:-: anywhere, no matter if enemy sees you or not        :-:
:-: :)                                                  :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: F11 - Speed Up                                      :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Once turned on, your walking speed will             :-:
:-: double up. Note that toggling this on will affect   :-:
:-: the next option below :)                            :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: F12 - High Jump                                     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Once enabled, you'll gain 3x jump height. If        :-:
:-: speed is enabled, screen refreshing will be         :-:
:-: fast, so you won't notice how high you've           :-:
:-: jumped :)                                           :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Greetz fly out to mah teamz ;)                      :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Yes, you can join our affiliation program!          :-:
:-: You can either affiliate with us by exchanging      :-:
:-: banners or links... either of them is usefull since :-:
:-: website hit-count grows day by day! For more info   :-:
:-: visit the following URL:                            :-:
:-: ****://www.extalia.com/home/?sel=affiliate          :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: The Extalia member directory is respected by the    :-:
:-: Extalia council and members. Copyrights/work/trades :-:
:-: registered by the respected Extalia GHT members.    :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:-:-:-:-Generated with Extalia Nfo Maker V1.21:-:-:-:-:-:

File information

Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.

Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).

This is almost always a false alarm.


File size: 58.79 KB

Mime type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary

Trainer FAQ