PC Gaming Alliance To Launch PC Game Certification Program In March

PC Gaming Alliance To Launch PC Game Certification Program In March

The PC Gaming Alliance announced today that it has nearly finalized its PC game certification program and that the program is on track to launch in March 2014.

The platform-agnostic program aims to set a common standard for PC games technical and design quality in order to strengthen consumers' confidence in the platform. Participating in the program is voluntary with subsidized certification fees of $500 for non-PCGA members. The alliance can also help developers in testing their games for an extra $2000 fee.

Games that pass PCGA certification requirements will be allowed to brandish its certification logo on its retail box and in its menus.

PCGA is doing its best to make the certification as flexible as possible, but not too flexible that the program would become meaningless.

"We don't need to have it completely locked down and so restrictive," explained PCGA president Matt Ployhar. "We don't need to tell people, 'This is your minimum configuration.' But, you still need to hit a certain quality bar." For example, games that have a console version will have to run at 720p @ 30 fps and have controller support.