Playstation 3 Portal 2 Confirmed: Best Console Version Of The Game

Playstation 3 Portal 2 Confirmed: Best Console Version Of The Game

Previously describing it as "a waste of everybody's time", Valve's Gabe Newell sure isn't a fan of Playstation 3. This is why we were surprised when he announced that Portal 2 will be coming to the PS3, and went as far as describing the Playstation 3 edition will be "the best console version of the game."

"When the PlayStation 3 was introduced, I was the one of the platform's biggest critics," the Valve president and co-founder admitted. "However, Sony Computer Entertainment has proved that the PlayStation 3 is the most open platform of all the current generation consoles and has worked extremely hard to make the platform the most desirable for consumers and developers."

"As such, we are delighted to announce Portal 2 for the PlayStation 3 and believe the Steamworks support included will make it the best console version of the game," Gabe Newell added.

The reason why Newell described the PS3 edition of Portal 2 as the "best console version" of the game, most probably, is because it is the only console version that supports Steamworks. Steamworks, which will be available in PC and Mac versions of the game as well, offesr features and services like auto updates, downloadable content, community features, and more.

Originally intended for release in 2010, Portal 2 has been delayed and is now scheduled for release sometime in 2011.