No Man's Sky might be all the games sites are covering right now, but we don't all have to be planet hopping, lonely space explorers. Instead we could dive beneath the waves, like in Diluvion, a third person, real time take on the Faster Than Light strategy of crew management, event choice making and looting of a dark and cold, underwater world.
Diluvion is set in the far future, where mankind has ruined the sky and the land and eeked out a life under a frozen sea. But there's history to discover, giant robots to battle and no doubt a few sea creatures circling in the deep.
And it's your job to investigate.
Taking on a ship and a crew, you head out to see what you can find, popping into ports and coves where you can find them.
Produced by indie studio Arachnid Games, Diluvion has been in development for a couple of years at this point, but had a successful Kickstarter campaign in 2015 and has continued on ever since.
We know the game is nearing completion now though, as beta builds have been shipped out to Kickstarter backers. It should be releasing at some time this "fall," but at what price, we just don't know yet.
I really like the look of this though. Do you think you'll give Diluvion a go when it arrives later this year?