- PC
FAQ v4.2
by Red Phoenix
Various Cheats
During gameplay press Enter then type any of the following "Codes":
Code | Effect |
ROCK ON | 1000 Stone |
LUMBERJACK | 1000 Wood |
ROBIN HOOD | 1000 Gold |
MARCO | Reveal Map |
POLO | Remove Shadow |
AEGIS | Fast Build |
NATURAL WONDERS | Control Nature |
RESIGN | You Lose |
WIMPYWIMPYWIMPY | Destroy Yourself |
HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON | Gives a Cobra Car |
TORPEDO | Kill Opponent |
TO SMITHEREENS | Gives a Saboteur |
BLACK DEATH | Destroy All Enemies |
I R WINNER | You Win |
Command Line Cheats
Use one of the following command line parameters to start the game
800 - Change screen res to 800x600
1024 - Change screen res to 1024x768
1280 - Change screen res to 1280x1024
autompsave - Enable Auto save
Mfill - Cure display problems with some video cards
Msync - Cure SoundBlaster AWE freezes
NoMusic - Turn Off music.
NormalMouse - Standard mouse pointer
NoSound - Disable all sounds except during FMV sequences
NoStartup - No pre-game FMV sequences
NoTerrainSound - Turn Off all terrain sounds
Other Cheats
Ctrl T - New Resource Menu
Ctrl Q - Faster Construction
Ctrl P - Get Immutable building
Ctrl C - Show end sequence
Double transport ship capacity
To in crease your transport ship capacity without researching any thing. Go into the siege weapons work shop and create a few battering rams. Then garrison some troops inside the battering rams these have to be foot soldiers other wise it won't work. Then load them on to a transport ship. and you'll be able to quadruple your transport ship capacity
Make Unit Faster
When you click the make a man button on the toolbar click on the little flag where you can place the man you just started to create and keep clicking in the same place as fast as you can. It should double the time to make a man.
Cheats For DEMO version
Bring up the chat box by pressing ENTER then enter these codes
pepperoni pizza gives you 1000 food
coinage gives you 1000 gold
woodstock gives you 1000 wood
quarry gives you 1000 stone
reveal map reveales map but not fog
no fog lifts fog
gaia control animals not people