- Playstation 2
Unlock Mount Magma level
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in VOLCANO
Unlock Gravity Games Street level
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in PAVEMENT
Unlock Gravity Games Vert level
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in GGFLYER
Get Leigh Ramsdell's FMV sequence
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in LEIFMV
Unlock Mat Berringer's FMV sequence
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in MATFMV
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in MUDPUDLE
Get Andre Ellison's FMV sequence
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in ANDFMV
Unlock Dennis McCoy's FMV sequence
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in DMCFMV
Unlock Jamie Bestwick's FMV sequence
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in JAMFMV
Unlock Reuel Erikson's FMV sequence
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in REUFMV
Unlock Fuzzy Hall's FMV sequence
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in FUZFMV
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in LOTACRAP
Every Bike
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in PIKARIDE
Dennis McCoy's stats
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in DMCDMAN
Max Stats for Riders
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in MAXSTATS
Get Bobby Bones
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in BONEGUY
Get a Babe
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in BADGIRL
Unlock Angus Sigmund
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in SIGMAN
Get Bird Brains
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in FLYAWAY
Get Ramp Granny
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in OLDLADY
Get Oil Refinery level
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in OILSPILL
Get Train Depot level
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in CHOOCHOO
Get Museum District level
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in ARTRIDER
Museum District Competition
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in ARTCOMP
Get Fuzzy's Yard level
Go to the options menu then to the code screen and put in FUZYDIRT
left right up down x= one foot peg rocket
up up square=front flip
up down left square=dog piss
right left right left left right square=suicide barspin
right left left square=toboggan
down right up square=kick out
down left up right square=dead sailor
right up square=dy
right left right square=crush groove
right left left right down square=flair
up down left up square=invert
up up down down circle=x-down
up up left left circle=no hander sucide
up up left right circle=nothing
left left right right down down up up circle=x-up
up down up down up down square=lookback
down up down up down up circle=switch hander
left down up right circle=bus driver
right up down left circle=half barspin to half bar spin
up left down right circle=barspin to barspin back
right right square=truckdriver
down down square=turndown
down down up right left square=scissor kick seatgrab
right left down up square=seatgrab one footed invert
Game Shark Codes
Master Code Must Be On | 0E3C7DF2 1853E59E EE850786 BCC2F182 |
High Score | DEA710F2 C19E7B82 |
Task 1 Complete | CEA7DC5E BCA99B84 |
Task 2 Complete | CEA7DC7E BCA99B84 |
Task 3 Complete | CEA7DC1E BCA99B84 |
Task 4 Complete | CEA7DC3E BCA99B84 |
Task 5 Complete | CEA7DCDE BCA99B84 |
Task 6 Complete | CEA7D3FE BCA99B84 |
Task 7 Complete | CEA7D39E BCA99B84 |
Task 8 Complete | CEA7D3BE BCA99B84 |
Task 9 Complete | CEA7D35E BCA99B84 |
Task 10 Complete | CEA7D37E BCA99B84 |