- Playstation
Master code: Enter the "Specials" menu and enter ARACHNID or IMIARMAS as a code. A laugh will confirm correct code entry. All levels in the level warp option, all gallery options movie viewer/production art, and combo moves will be unlocked. Repeat code entry to return to normal. God mode: Unlimited webbing: All fighting controls: Level select: Level skip: Bonus training levels: Play as Mary Jane: Play as The Shocker: Play as a scientist: Play as a police officer: Play as Captain Stacey helicopter pilot: Play as thug model 1: Play as thug model 2: Play as thug model 3: Matrix-style attacks: Goblin-style costume: Small Spider-Man: Big head and feet for Spider-Man: Enemies have big heads: First person view: Super coolant: Pinhead Bowling mini-game: Vulture FMV sequence: Shocker FMV sequence: Green Goblin FMV sequence: Play as Alex Ross: Play as the Green Goblin: Play as Harry Osborn: Play as Peter Parker: Play as wrestler: Any alternate character has it big Freakout-GreenGoblinSuit Now you get to be one of the following people, but don't exit out of the cheats menu yet. Now after you put the cheat you wanted to put in enter "GOESTOYOURHEAD" to make whatever character's head and feet huge. |