Reva (indie)

Reva (indie) Reva (indie) Reva (indie) Reva (indie)
1 Freeware available for Reva (indie), see below

Reva is a 3D adventure game. You embark a trip with the caracther Garion, a noble person who has lost what he most valued, his loved one. After years of solitude, the world became dark and cold. One day, a beam of light came from the sky, a fallen guardian, Alba. Garion now must restore balance of his world. For that, he must face his inner self, and defeat the guardian of darkness, Nigrum.

• Cutscenes
• Third Person Shooter
• Puzzle
• 3D
• Boss Fights( and Mini-Boss)
• Dungeon-style levels
• First-steps tutorial
• Easy controllers