For many, Age of Empires II: Age of Kings is the definitive Age of Empires experience, but that's not to say some don't hold the first game in higher regard. With that in mind, they'll no doubt be pleased to learn that the definitive edition of that game, named as such, is just around the corner. Microsoft has announced that 20 years on from its original release, the game will get its final version (until the next one) on February 20.
"When we set out to create the Definitive Edition of the original Age of Empires, our goal was to deliver the best possible version of this classic, from a top-notch audio-visual presentation to multiplayer to core game systems," Microsoft Studios said in a statement. "Everything needed to be as good as you remembered it (or better!) to deliver a compelling RTS experience 20 years after its original release."
Big improvements that the definitive edition brings to the table include completely remodelled assets to display the game in beautiful 4K resolution, online play on Xbox Live and LAN, re-recorded original soundtrack with an orchestral score for greater audio clarity, new campaign narration voiceover, and a new and enhanced scenario editor, so gamers can make their own Age of Empires campaigns and missions.
The AOE Definitive Edition will go on sale on February 20, but there will be a multiplayer beta on January 29 so anyone who wants to can get a taste of what the game will be like, entirely for free. Microsoft assures all fans that the core experience will remain the same, but that just about everything has been given a new lick of paint.
Are you excited to step back 20 years for a brand new Age of Empires experience?