Cloud Imperium is already talking about sequels

Cloud Imperium is already talking about sequels

Remember Star Citizen? That game that looked so good almost a decade ago and still hasn't fully been released yet? Well, apparently the developer behind it, Cloud Imperium, is already thinking about multiple sequels. The game has amassed hundreds of millions of dollars from its double-downing fans, and despite a lot of those funds being poured into finally releasing the single player Squadron 42 that was promised initially by the mid-2010s, some of that is now being put towards building what comes next.

"We'll still have huge development resources," clarified Cloud Imperium's Carl Jones, but said that with Chris Roberts moving to the UK supervise the development of Squadron 42, that would naturally lead to him working on the sequel to the game and even a sequel to that in due course.

This will include evolving the Star Citizen project into a larger MMORPG in space, which is something that many developers have tried to do before, but with Cloud Imperium's over $400 million in funding, it has all the money and time in the world to do it. Still, the company has reportedly chewed through several hundred million already, so it may need to continue selling pre-release space ships for some time to come yet.

When asked in a recent interview where he thinks Cloud Imperium will be in 2027, Jones said that it would be running a fully fledged MMO, and one of the largest ones out there, too.

Have you dipped your toe into the murky vaporware waters of Star Citizen over the years?