Deus EX 3 Designer Lays It Out

Deus EX 3 Designer Lays It Out

In recent interview Eidos Montreal studio head Stephane D'Astous expressed his will to benefit from the original title's strengths while avoiding its sequel's shortcomings.

"Deus Ex 3 is an incredible title to be working on", said D'Astous . "It's a big mandate we have received - and we take it very seriously. We have done our homework and we have done a lot of research into it. Our proof of concept was approve(d) last month on our first try - I think we've impressed our colleagues back in the UK. We were so pleased that he vision we have for the game was shared and accepted by them. Now the challenge is to realise our conception into concrete code."

"We did our research to find out what worked well, what people enjoyed about it - especially the first game", he added. " The second was a success in the eyes of some, but had some ups and downs, so we've tried to identify what worked well in that game. Most importantly, we're extracting what worked well and can be applied now. In the five, six years since that series arrived technology has changed significantly and we have to be careful - we don't want to create more of the same. Instead we've identified the features that can be transposed well onto new technology that arrived several years later."

D'Astous then revealed that Deus EX 3 is being developed using Tomb Raider's next-gen Crystal Dynamics engine.
"I'm relieved that here at Eidos we have two great internal engines - one from IO Interactive and one from Crystal. We chose the Crystal engine because we plan to help develop this engine more and then share it back with the rest of the company, the other Eidos studios".

"Having that technology from the start gives us a great advantage and foundation for our coders - there are no doubts about the approach, and we have few uncertainties. We just want to all work together on improving the same technology as we develop our game."