GTA IV - I Believe it Can Fly

GTA IV - I Believe it Can Fly GTA IV - I Believe it Can Fly

The recent flurry of news surrounding GTA IV has caused some fans distress as it was hinted that flying would not be an option in the game. Thanks to information provided by Game Informer's Andrew Reiner, the only journalist to have witnessed a 15 minute demo of the game in action, we now have moe information regarding the flight status of Niko, the leading man in GTA IV.

A map of the size of Liberty City could not be traversed simply by foot or car so helicopters will be available in the game. Planes will not but it is fairly simple to understand why airplanes cannot, realistically, exist in a game taking place in a single city. Additionally, boats are also likely to feature in GTA IV and will offer an additional alternative to moving about Liberty City.

Mr. Reiner also made it clear that the game revolves around its leading character so don't expect to eat healthy or frequent your local gym. Your character will also not be a part of a Rags to Riches storyline so real estate will not be a significant aspect of the game and will only serve as a practical retreat for the player.

During the 15 minute demo no loading screens appeared even though the character entered two different buildings at different times in the demo. The technology of the game greatly impressed the Game Informer journalist who raves on about the visuals of the game. Considering the game is currently being visually enhanced it is likely that this will be a true next-gen title. The journalist describes the demo he witnessed as being, ...a step up from the trailer.

The A.I. is also an aspect of the game which Rockstar have focused on. The developer is not releasing any details but Reiner suggests, albeit vaguely, that NPCs will have their own agendas which may, on occasion, affect your in-game actions.

Niko will also be able to have a girlfriend while he will also be able to climb various telephone poles in order to get a better view of Liberty City. GTA IV will also feature a new aspect to car-jacking as you will be able to crash a cars window in order to access it. According to the witness, the sequence is impressive visually and will greatly enhance gameplay.

The overall impression presented by Mr. Reiner is that of a very ambitious title that will truly introduce the GTA franchise to the next-generation of gaming. Whether the final product, expected holiday 2007 will be able to live up to this promise is a question mark as a lot will depend on how Rockstar will juggle the X360 and PS3 versions and their extras in order to keep GTA IV a single and cohesive gaming experience.