The much anticipated Halo 2 is "done and dusted" according to developer Bungie. The official website claims that the game has been handed over to publisher, Microsoft, for testing.
Bungie also claim that there will be no more progress reports, previously published through their website, ...since the game is done. The developers are quick to add that there is a long way to go before the game meets its anticipated November 9 street date; there are still many steps between now and the game's arrival on shelves, including the not-insignificant process of actually manufacturing MILLIONS of copies of the game.
Bungie also used the opportunity to urge gamers to embrace the XBox Live feature of the game, ...you guys should seriously start thinking about clans now, since when the game goes live on November 9th, you'll want to pick a name right away.
The plea also comes with a stern warning, ...but don't just pick a clan and let it languish. If you create a clan, do it because you intend to use it, and enjoy the camaraderie that Clan membership brings. We have systems in place to deal with "dead" or unused Clans. Unpleasant, pointy systems that reek of rust and blood and horror. Think Silent Hill meets Autocomplete.
In any case for the coming weeks Bungie's base is going to feel deserted as most people involved in the Halo 2 project have taken a well-earned break. Most will return in time for the November 9 launch and the myriad of promotional events Microsoft will have, no doubt, planned.
Bungie.net staff have also offered recommendations on the Halo 2 multiplayer feature, ...I LOVE Assault, but only on certain maps, and I love Fiesta King of the Hill (we'll reveal what Fiesta means later) on ANY map. And Fiesta Crazy King is totally mental. But where on Halo one, my fave event was CTF on Blood Gulch - this time it's leaning towards Swords on Lockout. I can't get enough, although Sketch has a homemade variant he calls pistols that's pretty fun.
To find more about Halo 2 read the