Halo 2 Shadowrun Coming to XP

Halo 2 Shadowrun Coming to XP

An aggressive press release by Falling Leaf Systems claims the company will release software which will allow Windows XP users to play both Halo 2 and Shadowrun, both titles created as Windows Vista ONLY games.

Falling Leaf Systems has announced an official merger between the VAIO and Alky projects. Both projects have, for over a year now, been working toward providing software originally intended for use on only one platform, to users on various other platforms.

We at Falling Leaf are excited to welcome aboard the talented members of Project VAIO, said Falling Leaf Systems CEO Brian Thomason. For too long, we have been segregated into two separate camps slaving away on similar, and sometimes even identical, goals. By merging our teams and our respective technologies, we can both achieve these common goals much faster.

Rafael Rivera, the leader of Project VAIO, was equally upbeat: We believe the merger will allow Falling Leaf Systems to release products and services that would have been either impossible for Project VAIO to finish alone, or would have taken far too long to be relevant in the market.

On the heels of the merger also comes the announcement of Falling Leaf Systems' intention to provide compatibility software to allow Windows XP users to play two upcoming, Windows Vista-only titles: Halo 2 and Shadowrun. These games are available for immediate preorder through the companies' website. Orders will be fulfilled by Amazon.com, and those who purchase will receive a free copy of the compatibility software within a few months.

Microsoft has, in typical Microsoft fashion, decided to launch their forced migration onslaught in full force with the release of two games that will only run on Windows Vista, stated Thomason. First they claim that it was impossible to implement DirectX 10 compatibility atop Windows XP, and now they also want us to believe that they couldn't successfully launch two DirectX 9 based titles on XP either. We plan to expose both theories as patently false.