Illumina Looking For Publisher

Illumina Looking For Publisher Illumina Looking For Publisher

Just in time for the festivities of Sankt Patrick's Day in Ireland, Irish game developer Star Cave Studios has announced devastation and mayhem in the form of Illumina for the PC platform!

Illumina is best described as an online multiplayer semi-tactical first person shooter (FPS) set in the year of 2046. To the uninformed, Earth has been ravaged by a devastating meteor collision that shattered earth's moon and rained down onto the cities below. Following the initial devastation, cities where destroyed, millions of lives were lost, and that was only the beginning! The destruction of the moon affected earths gravitational rotation causing unpredictable weather conditions resulting in frequent massive floods; In short, at the end of the day, the world as we know it ... is history! Enter heroes of justice!

Illumina features three basic game styles: Team Death-Match, Capture the Flag & Conquest. In Conquest your team has to use its skills to overpower the opponents to capture their bases; In Capture the Flag, each team slaughters their way through the game, ranking up points by stealing the enemy flag and returning it to the home base; Team Death-Match is the wholesome fun of destroying as many opponents as possible - kill or get killed! Illumina also features a multitude of vehicles and other means of transportation such as jeeps, fighters and tanks! Weaponry consist of, among other options, iron sighted machine guns, scoped machine guns, shotguns, sniper riffles, rocket launchers and tactical utilities such as smoke grenades, flash bang grenades, C4 & Fragmentation! Phew!

Illumina is currently in development by Star Cave Studios and offers unlimited hours of mayhem, havoc and destruction! The game is NOW available in a playable (BETA) version featuring LAN and multiplayer functionality! A single player feature is scheduled to be implemented prior to retail release, and a version for Apple Mac is also on the agenda. In addition to this, Star Cave Studios is already working on a number of undisclosed features.