India Developing USD10 Laptop - Update

India Developing USD10 Laptop - Update India Developing USD10 Laptop - Update

A spokesman for Minister of State for Higher Education, D. Purandeswari issued a correction, stating that the price of the laptop would in fact be US$100 rather than $10.

Original Story:
According to a minister of the Indian federal government, India is developing a $10 laptop "aimed for higher education applications".

Research on the new low-cost laptop is being carried out at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore and the Indian Institute of Technology in Chennai, said D. Purandeswari, Minister of State for Higher Education, at a conference in Delhi.

The Indian minister however didn't reveal the laptop's specs, nor did he clarify if this price will be achieved with the help of a government subsidy.

The Indian government has been utilizing information and communications technology (ICT) to increase high education quality and reach among the poor populace.

For comparison, the OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) XO-1 laptop was aiming for a price of $100 but ended up selling for $199.