The relation between Microsoft and Intel has been so strong that the term "Wintel" was coined in the late 1980s to describe it. This might come to an end as - for the first time in 20+ years - Intel decided to turn its back on Microsoft's latest OS.
According to the New York Times, Intel, which have over 80,000 employees with workstations, decided not to upgrade their PCs to Windows Vista.
An unnamed Intel insider said that "the company made its decision after a lengthy analysis by its internal technology staff of the costs and potential benefits of moving to Windows Vista, which has drawn fire from many customers as a buggy, bloated program that requires costly hardware upgrades to run smoothly."
"This isn't a matter of dissing Microsoft, but Intel information technology staff just found no compelling case for adopting Vista", he added.
An Intel spokesman said that they are testing and deploying Vista in certain departments, but not across the company.