Taking maps and levels from old games and remaking them in Unreal Engine 4 has become a bit of a treat for those of us that remember the older games. Somehow, it always feels like that's how they looked in our heads in the first place, with our childish imaginations running full tilt.
Whether that's a reality or not, we'll never know, but we do at least get to enjoy the pretty visuals of what those places might have been like had they been made a decade+ later.
In this case, it's Kakariko village from Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It's got the classic windmill and building layout of course, but with waving grass fronds, falling leaves and some lovely lighting effects.
Sure the area is still enclosed like the original, in that classic way older games were, but with the camera set up and the better draw distance, the surroundings seem to go back far further and the village fits into the world better than it did in years gone past.
It is interesting to note that it's much more obvious and a little more creepy that Link is a child during big portions of the original game. That's not so stark in the original N64 version.