Lara - ATI Alliance

Lara -  ATI Alliance

Sapphire Technology Limited, a supplier of ATI-based graphics boards, have finalized a deal with Eidos that will have the Sapphire Atlantis and Atlantis Pro cards shipped with the latest title in the Tomb Raider series.

August 1st marks the end of the days where weak software bundles containing tired titles of yester-year passed for acceptable media to be included with your latest graphics card purchase. Ms. Croft, will be found courting with Sapphire's: RADEON AIW 9000, RADEON 9600 & 9600 ATLANTIS PRO, RADEON AIW 9700 ATLANTIS PRO, RADEON 9800 & 9800 ATLANTIS PRO as well as escorting the two newest most impressive members to the Sapphire graphical family that will be introduced on July 25th.