New Pokémon Go summer features are now live

New Pokémon Go summer features are now live

If you've grown bored with Pokéon Go or haven't been back to play it in a while, there are bunch of new features now live which may tempt you back to the collect 'em all, roaming mobile title. There are new gyms to play with, new gym badges, raid battles, cooperative gaming, new items and more.

Pokémon Go has continued to evolve slowly over the past year since its original release, with new Pokémon to collect, new candy mechanics and generally more expansive gameplay. It hasn't seen a major overhaul like this though since its early days. Gyms work quite differently now. For starters, when one is taken over all six slots become immediately available - no more grinding against your own fellow team members just to get your prized Pokémon in the rotation. They're also listed by the order they were added, not weakest to strongest.

Better yet, only one of each type of Pokémon can be added, so no longer will you see entire gyms full of Dragonites and Chanceys.

If you get bored beating up your fellow players though, there are new cooperative experiences to be had. Raid battles offer the chance for you and your friends to take on fiendishly powerful pokémon together, netting unique raid battle items if you succeed.

You'll find the new Raids tab on the "Nearby" screen. Look out for some of those ultra tough monsters, as they're likely to become hotbeds of gamer activity which may help bring players together once again.

These new features and more are now available to all Android and iOS gamers.