Rockstar tweaks L.A. Noire interrogation text in remastered version

Rockstar tweaks L.A. Noire interrogation text in remastered version

Along with upgrading the visuals of its seminal detective thriller title, L.A. Noire, Rockstar has made another impactful modification to the game for its remastered version. In the interrogation scenes, which form some of the most intriguing and memorable portions of the game's mechanics and story, the classic "truth, doubt and lie" options have been replaced with Good Cop, Bad Cop and Accuse.

The remastered version of L.A. Noire is slated to appear on Xbox One, PS4 and Nintendo Switch this month, with a virtual reality experience version set to appear on PCs for HTC Vive gamers sometime in the near future after its delay.

The change to the main remaster though is an interesting one. Although the original remaster was far from perfect, it is well remembered as a cult classic. One complaint that even fans had though, was that the original response text options for players didn't always reflect what was ultimately said. Doubting one witness might have protagonist Cole Phelps console them and berate another aggressively.

The new text may go some way to fixing that, making for more nuanced and accurate choices for the players.

The various platform remasters of L.A. Noire are slated to debut on November 14.