With so many games out there trying to push the envelope in realistic physics and visuals, to be the most explosive, the most exciting or the most tense and scary, rarely do the games designed to help you relax get a look in. They are out there though and they can be a great way to wind down at the end of the day instead of getting you all hopped up.
A game I've quite enjoyed over the past few months' is Expansive World's Hunter: Call of the Wild. It still has its tense moments and the reward of a successful kill, but the mix of beautiful environments, relaxing sounds and the varied weather effects can really give you some time to unwind in a setting that isn't going to have you shot by another player or mauled by a dangerous enemy.
My favorite relaxing gaming in recent years though, has been Kingdom: New Lands. Its mix of stunning pixel art work, a fantastic soundtrack and relatively relaxed gameplay - once you know how to easily manage your defenses and the creep waves - means that it's more of an experience than a hard fought game.
Still, while a game based around fishing like Fishing Planet might seem like a relaxing way to spend your time, based on the new trailer for the game, we wouldn't recommend it. It's being marketed like an action movie.
What are your favorite games to play when relaxing?