WoW Senator: WoW better than golf

WoW Senator: WoW better than golf

Two days ago, we reported that Senator Ray Tenorio is a level 70 dwarf priest in World of Warcraft. Today, the man himself speaks out.

Senator Ray Tenorio dropped by Gamepolitics website and shared his thoughts:
Hey everyone. Paleray here. I thought your comments were fun and I thought I'd reply to some of them.

Yeah, I have time to do my job AND play Wow, it's cheaper and less time consuming than Golf and I think a lot more fun.

I don't play more than [GP reader] Nate but I have to admit it can be a challenge to walk away sometimes. Some believe gaming is the problem when, I think, it's really a matter of ‘everything in moderation,' remembering and following your priorities, and the real cause of the problem: lack of either self-control or parental control.

True: "Government guys are just like everyone else." And the more that is true of me the better I'll be able to represent a great number of people of Guam.

I only WISH I got Xp by signing all the government documents while leveling to 70, oh well, and if you applied the gold in lieu of Xp, woot woot.

I agree with the sentiment "How can you not be a wow fan????" There's no wonder on my part why there's 9 Million players.

Finally, I'll gladly receive your gold and you can call it a campaign contribution, mana from Heaven, or just a gift any day. Wouldn't you?

Have fun all and thanks for your comments.