Fallout: New Vegas v1.1.1.271 (+35 Trainer)

Fallout: New Vegas v1.1.1.271 (+35 Trainer)

Fallout: New Vegas v1.1.1.271 (+35 Trainer) [CoMPMStR]

Text file description:

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| Fallout - New Vegas v1.1.1.271 +35 Trainer
| Version 0.0
| Trained/Coded/Hacked/ASCii by: CoMPuTer MAsSteR .:]AKA[:. CoMPMStR
| I take no responsibility for any damage caused by using this program, physical or otherwise!
| By launching this program, you agree to do so at your own risk.
| Brief Instructions
| This is a +35 trainer for v1.1.1.271 of Fallout - New Vegas. It is not guaranteed to work for any other version.
| It has only been tested on XP 32-bit. Run as Administrator to make it work on Vista/Win7.
| You will need the Microsoft .NET Framework v3.5 installed in order for this trainer to run at all.
|  - It can be downloaded from here if necessary:
|	Original  : http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=333325FD-AE52-4E35-B531-508D977D32A6
|	SP1       : http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=ab99342f-5d1a-413d-8319-81da479ab0d7
|	SP1 (full): http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=D0E5DEA7-AC26-4AD7-B68C-FE5076BBA986
: Launch the game and the trainer in any order.
:  - If the trainer is launched first, you can alternately launch the game by clicking the associated button.
: [If the game is installed anywhere other than the default directory, you will be asked to locate the exe.]
| Hotkey Info
|                                                                          |
| [F1] - S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Maxed                                              |
| [F2] - Infinite Skill Points                                             |
| [F3] - Infinite Item Condition                                           |
| [F4] - Item Dupe / Infinite Ammo                                         |
| [F5] - Max Item On Use                                                   |
| [F6] - Bullet Time (Slow-mo)                                             |
| [NUM4] - Set Position 1                                                  |
| [NUM5] - Set Position 2                                                  |
| [NUM6] - Set Position 3                                                  |
| [NUM7] - Get Position 1                                                  |
| [NUM8] - Get Position 2                                                  |
| [NUM9] - Get Position 3                                                  |
| [C] - No Clip / Fly Mode                                                 |
|                                                                          |
| S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Maxed                                                     |
|  - Maxes out all stats.                                                  |
|    Best used in the beginning, directly after using the Vigor Tester.    |
|    If Intense Training perk, or similar, has been used, it may not work. |
|    Not recommended to be enabled at all times. Only use as needed.       |
| Infinite Skill Points                                                    |
|  - Keeps your skill points at maximum during level up.                   |
|    Make sure to leave enough to empty them when you're finished.         |
|    Disable this option when not leveling up. Only use as needed.         |
| Infinite Item Condition                                                  |
|  - All items have perfect condition.                                     |
|    Not recommended to be enabled when shopping as prices may increase.   |
| Item Dupe/Infinite Ammo                                                  |
|  - Items are not removed when dropped/sold/used, including ammo.         |
|    Not recommended to be enabled when shopping as crashes may occur.     |
|    Only enable as needed, otherwise keep disabled to reduce crashes.     |
|    NEVER pick up loose caps lying around with this option enabled.       |
| Max Item On Use                                                          |
|  - Maxes out an item's quantity when dropped or used.                    |
|    Not recommended to be enabled when shopping as crashes may occur.     |
|    Only enable as needed, otherwise keep disabled to reduce crashes.     |
|    Also works for caps. Just enable it, buy a weapon, then disable it.   |
| Bullet Time (Slow-mo)                                                    |
|  - Slow down the entire world, but not yourself. You keep normal speed.  |
| Set Position 1                                                           |
|  - Store your current position, you have 3 total.                        |
| Set Position 2                                                           |
|  - Same as above.                                                        |
| Set Position 3                                                           |
|  - Same as above.                                                        |
| Get Position 1                                                           |
|  - Teleport to the stored position at #1.                                |
| Get Position 2                                                           |
|  - Teleport to the stored position at #2.                                |
| Get Position 3                                                           |
|  - Teleport to the stored position at #3.                                |
| No Clip / Fly Mode                                                       |
|  - Allow yourself to fly around through walls and all.                   |
|    Experience unexplored regions previously unattainable.                |
|    Just press the key and aim where you want to go, it's easy and fun.   |
|    Also you can hold down SHIFT to travel twice as fast.                 |
|    Try to stay within the map bounds, it may or may not crash the game.  |
|                                                                          |
|    **If you travel too fast it may cause the game to freeze.             |
|    It depends on your PC and how well/fast it loads the environment.     |
|    If you notice lag when traveling via Fly Mode, slow it down some.     |
|                                                                          |
| *Checkboxes next to editable items allow you to lock them at a certain   |
|  value. Once you tick the box just set the value and return to the game. |
|                                                                          |
| Current Weapon:                                                          |
|  - Allows editing the clip ammo for your equipped weapon.                |
|    Also displays the ammo type name and maximum ammo, readonly.          |
|    Use the checkbox to have no reload.                                   |
|                                                                          |
| Stats to edit:                                                           |
|  - Level                                                                 |
|  - Experience                                                            |
|  - RADS                                                                  |
|  - H2O (Hardcore only)                                                   |
|  - FOD (Hardcore only)                                                   |
|  - SLP (Hardcore only)                                                   |
|  - Walk Speed                                                            |
|  - Times Saved                                                           |
|                                                                          |
| Additional Stats to edit:                                                |
|  - O2 [Air] (Underwater)                                                 |
|  - Current HP                                                            |
|  - Max HP                                                                |
|  - Current AP                                                            |
|  - Max AP                                                                |
|  - Head HP                                                               |
|  - Body HP                                                               |
|  - Left Arm HP                                                           |
|  - Right Arm HP                                                          |
|  - Left Leg HP                                                           |
|  - Right Leg HP                                                          |
|  - Current Carry Weight                                                  |
|  - Max Carry Weight                                                      |
|                                                                          |
| *All additional stats, except Name and O2, are added to what you         |
|  have initially. You can set Current Carry Weight to a negative value    |
|  to decrease your weight. Increase HP and AP to have virtually infinite. |
|  Name can be changed by double clicking the box.                         |
|                                                                          |
| *Most other options require you to Alt+Tab back to the trainer from      |
|  the game in order to be used. You could just run in window mode.        |
|                                                                          |
| Password Protected PC:                                                   |
|  - This will show you the correct password when hacking a terminal.      |
|    It also shows the password you have selected and attempts left.       |
|    None of these can be edited or changed, they're readonly.             |
|                                                                          |
| General Stats:                                                           |
|  - Edit all general stats displayed in your PipBoy.                      |
|    Only changes the numerical value of the stat.                         |
|    Changing Locations Discovered does NOT unlock new locations.          |
|    Must be refreshed manually to display updates.                        |
|                                                                          |
| Teleporter:                                                              |
|  - Save multiple locations to a file and teleport to them later.         |
|    Teleport to a saved location by double clicking it in the list.       |
|    The Add (+) button adds your current location to the list.            |
|    The Remove (-) button removes the selected item from the list.        |
|    The Edit (=) button allows you to make changes to the selected item.  |
|    To stop teleporting, just press C or double click the list.           |
|    Teleporter speed also affects No Clip / Fly Mode.                     |
|    Just like No Clip / Fly Mode, hold SHIFT to travel twice as fast.     |
|                                                                          |
|    *Does NOT work from a different location, for example,                |
|    trying to teleport to a location on the world map from Vault 21       |
|    will NEVER work. This will result in you going to some unknown place. |
|                                                                          |
| *I've included all 7 snow globe locations, easy to follow along.         |
|  All you have to do is start from the world map, then teleport to the    |
|  1st location. For example, let's say you first exit Doc Mitchell's      |
|  house and you want to get the Mormon Fort snow globe. You'd first       |
|  teleport to the 1st in the set, which will bring you to a door to the   |
|  next area. Simply enter the door and after the new area loads you'd     |
|  teleport to the 2nd in the set, which will bring you to another door.   |
|  You'd keep repeating this process until you've reached the last one,    |
|  which would bring you directly to the snow globe.                       |
|                                                                          |
| *Test Site and The Strip snow globes are accessed from the same first    |
|  three locations. Test Site has two #6 locations in the set, the first   |
|  one (Penthouse) is used if you're new to the Lucky 38 casino. When you  |
|  first enter you will need to speak to Mr. House before you have access  |
|  to the Cocktail Lounge, which is where the snow globe is located. So    |
|  at first you would travel to the Penthouse and then teleport to         |
|  location #6 (Penthouse) which will take you straight to Mr. House.      |
|  From there just talk to him and agree to his demands, then you will     |
|  have access to the Cocktail Lounge. Just enter the Lounge and then      |
|  teleport to location #6 (Lounge).                                       |
|                                                                          |
| **Level Note:                                                            |
|  - You can use the checkbox to lock your level at an even number.        |
|    When doing this make sure to set yout experience to 1 less than max.  |
|    After this is done just gain experience any way you can.              |
|    Doing this will allow you to gain all perks available.                |
|    If your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. is maxed, do NOT use Intense Training.         |
|    Be sure to leave 1 perk for level 30 as it's the last level to reach. |
|                                                                          |
:	   ___      ,__ __   , __  ,__ __          , __
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:	 |      __  |  |  |  |___/ |  |  |   /\_|_ |___/
.	 |     /  \_|  |  |  |     |  |  |  /  |  |
.	  \___/\__/ |  |  |_/|     |  |  |_/(__/|_/|  \_/
. ~Whether you think you can, or you think you can't; you're right.
.								~EOF~

File information

Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.

Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).

This is almost always a false alarm.


File size: 255.79 KB

Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary

Trainer FAQ