Gun Warrior (+2 Trainer)
Text file description:
. -+- | __________ _:_ __________ / _______________\' ' \|// ` `///_________________ _:_____\'' ' ______ __:/__ _.____ / ` ``//_____:_ |::'' ' ______ _/ /_ |/ | \_ __________. ` ``::| |: _.___\_ \ /____/___:_____| // __ _|_____ : :| |. _ | __ _ ____. | __ _ | / : | .| _| _/ : | : | : | : :/ : |_ |_____| : _ | _ : _ / _ _ __/ | | : | | | | / .:| | : | | b5!|_____. .:|_____: .:|_____. .:|___________|______| .:|_ | | - --------|______/----|______/----|______/-------------- - |_______/ _:__ : __|_ : : //_____________________________\ : . % F A S D O X P R E S E N T S % . | | | Gun Warrior Plus 2 Trainer | | - -------------------------------- - | : : . . . . -+-------------------------------------------[ t r a i n e r n o t e s ]-+- | | : Just Unlimited Energy and a Ammo Freeze Option : . . . -----------------------------------------------[ g r o u p n e w s ]-+- _:_\ | | FAS is trying to make rips and addons that the other groups don't do. | | We try to do no english addon dupes. This means, if there are no diffe- | | rence between the english and the german/swedish version we do no | | addons. So take the english addon then. | | | | We do not send any kind of missing filer or releases. Don't ask where | | to find our releases! We do not password or encrypt our releases, | |. others do that! | |. `-. _________:_.-' .| |: fas-team@excite.com .:'./\ |`:. no irc or www contact :| |::.. ... .. . . .:' | | `:. . . .. ... ...::| -:-----------------------:::---: ( /) :---:::-------------------------:- | iND - SEvEN - oCN - PWZ |_ / _| MKN - TNT - TiTAN - SAC | _|______ ::. /_________ .:: ______|_ : //__ _`. _ ______ / ``::..| | | | |..::'' ______ _ .'_ ____\ : ..' ///___ _``|_|_|_|_|''_ ___\ `.. ..::'' ascii: / ..-..;| | | | |;..-.. barium! ``::.. :::: ...::''.::'_|_|_|_|_|_`::.``::... :::: `::::.......:::::'' :: /__ _ _ :: ``:::::.......::::' ``::::::::''' `. \____\/ .' ```::::::::''
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 159.03 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
April 16, 2005 - 9:00pm