Kohan: Ahriman\'s Gift v1.3.5 (+2 Trainer)
Text file description:
{tross} SEiZE Proudly Presents Kohan Ahrimans Gift v1.3.5 Plus 2 Trainer Trainer : SEiZE : Gametype : Strategy Supplier : SEiZE : Released : 09/06/02 Filesize : 1x1.44mb - Install Notes - Unpack the trainer to your game dir. Start it and press run game. Use the keys printed to the trainer - Release Notes - 1 - Unlimited Gold (ON) 2 - Unlimited Gold (OFF) 3 - Unlimited Recruiting NOTE: Enemies receive the Freeze Gold also but only the enemies of hard level understand to use it and even they cant use it properly and sometimes not at all ;) - Application - 1. AFFiLS 2. TRAiNER MAKERS 3. DUMP 1. SEiZE is looking for 20mbit+ 120gig+ UNiX sites, that are in the EU. NO 0DAY only sites pls. 2. SEiZE is looking for a few trainer makers who can train games using DMA, and have knowledge in coding Win32 WinALL trainers using C/C++/ASM/DELPHi. Basic coding knowledge is fine. 3. If you run a UNiX/LiNUX box on a 5mbit+ 35gig+ EU box. and is willing to run a dump we need you. Of course as members of SEiZE you recieve something for your troubles, all members get some nice leech consisting of 0DAY/DiVX/iSO/VCD/SVCD/XXX/PS2 *ENGLiSH ONLY*. If you feel you meet any of the above then drop us a email at: seize@hushmail.com. Or contact a local member. - Greeting - Cro - EyM - EPS - iNS NFO made by Tross of cro "SEiZE allways frying PiZZA" these.files.have.flown.thru.the.system.of c00K!dag Z.i.O.N [ 0DAY / ISOGAMES / PS2 ] .. PROWDLY AFFILED BY .. . MAXiMUM . PH . SOULPS2 . STATUS . ROR . ROYAL . GeNiuS . . NoRRNeT . EyM . CAT . RGK . JaZZ . LUCiD . SCF . SEiZE . . ViRGiN . FUTURiTY . FLASH . WiPICE . OUTLiVE . PiZZA . 10mbit - 300GB E u r o S i T e THIS FILE WENT THREW THE GATES AT: ____________________ ____________________ | | ____ | | | CAN YOU GIVE ME | / I -BUT I CAN ADD A | | ONE GOOD REASON | ( NO PITCHFORK AND A | / | WHY I SHOULD LET | \____/I TAIL TO THAT "GO | ( ) | YOU IN? | | TO HELL" ICON. | _)(_ _ |_______________ .___| |_____. _____________|~ __ ~-._ "~-. | |/ (_ /~,^ .r~T T~i. ^.~ _) ` ' / ,^|| | | ||^. / / _____ ___ _ Y / || |[]| || Y .--. .^ ,^^.-. {___~ ) | Y || | | || Y | / __ / ) / -- )_ c|..^o | | || |[]| || | | / ( ( /( ) ,>.| ) |c_,| <| |===||=| |=||===| |> ( ( ( Y __ (/ o Y).--^-------. )_/l <| |===||=|[]|=||===| |> ( ( (l)/ )I | [~~~~~~~| `--.---x. || | | || | | ( ( ( (|Y Y ( || | _____\__ _ _/r~) )\_ ||_|[]|_||_ _| | ( || |____>-| | T = |.__\<`^ ", ~|| | | || ~ | |"~ (| '~~ Y____|_I__l_n___|_ / `---c~~^. Y'~^|_.^"`|_.-^-|__, ( ( ( (| | | | [=o H .=.]_ `-I~T~Y |- __ ( l | | l___[___H____] ~"_| | | ,t __ "~ ~" ( I | |[_________H____] / | l_j_.-T |--"~~ ~"-.__,.--"~ ||`----^-' :\_______H__/ /| | |-.._ ( |; : | |.. .. H.|^,__.-| : : |_ _.--~~"--.. | _ l _ : ||| || H|| __ ! | ' l "~" -Row ._ _.-" _|,-' ~"-' ~-.L|^.||_H|^-"~ ~"-. ._ \_.-"~-.__ "~ "~ ._ __,--.__~~ ~-._ _. "~~ ~~~" ~~" ~~" "~~~" KiNGDOM 0F HeAVeN (10mbit UK)
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 107.24 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
June 9, 2002 - 9:00pm