- Playstation 3
A Friend in Need (Bronze)
Objective:Revive another player outside the tutorial
Arkhunting (Bronze)
Objective:Complete your first minor arkfall
Arkhunting Party (Bronze)
Objective:Complete your first major arkfall in the Bay Area
Arkhunting Safari (Bronze)
Objective:Complete 10 major arkfalls in the Bay Area
Bit of an EGO (Bronze)
Objective:Earn your first perk
Brain Surgeon (Bronze)
Objective:Kill 50 players with headshots
Broom Closet (Bronze)
Objective:Complete the Soleptor Excavation co-op map
Call Me Psycho (Bronze)
Objective:Complete the Island of Lost Soldiers co-op map
Chasing Shadows (Bronze)
Objective:Capture 50 points in Shadow War
EGOtistical (Bronze)
Objective:Reach EGO Rating 500
Everyone Will Die (Bronze)
Objective:Complete Act 4
Executive Wash Room (Bronze)
Objective:Complete a daily contract for Von Bach Industries
Freight Magnate (Bronze)
Objective:Win 10 matches in Freight Yard
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! (Bronze)
Objective:Complete the Motherlode co-op map
High Speed Pursuit (Bronze)
Objective:Complete 15 pursuits in the Bay Area
Holy Shtako! (Bronze)
Objective:Complete the tutorial
Hot Pursuit (Bronze)
Objective: Complete 5 pursuits in the Bay Area
Individual Pursuit (Bronze)
Objective: Complete your first pursuit in the Bay Area
Key to Paradise (Bronze)
Objective: Increase reputation with Von Bach Industries, Soleptor Enterprises, Top Notch Toolworks and Echelon
Monolithic Landmark (Bronze)
Objective: Cross the Golden Gate Bridge
Not Bad at All (Bronze)
Objective: Complete the Commandeer Cronkhite co-op map
Office in Back (Bronze)
Objective: Complete a daily contract for Top Notch Toolworks
Overdosing (Bronze)
Objective: Complete the Liberate the Lost co-op map
Powerful EGO (Bronze)
Objective: Completely upgrade an EGO Power
Private Booth (Bronze)
Objective: Complete a daily contract for Soleptor Enterprises
Pursuit of Excellence (Bronze)
Objective: Complete 20 pursuits in the Bay Area
Pursuit of Happiness (Bronze)
Objective: Complete 10 pursuits in the Bay Area
Save Your Ganchis (Bronze)
Objective: Complete the Explosions 101 co-op map
Secure Channel (Bronze)
Objective: Complete a daily contract for Echelon
Seven Days a Week (Bronze)
Objective: Complete 4 weekly contracts
Skruggin' Ark Core (Bronze)
Objective: Complete Act 1
Stargazer (Bronze)
Objective: Win 10 matches in Observatory
Stroking Your EGO (Bronze)
Objective: Completely upgrade a perk
Super Excited (Bronze)
Objective: Complete the Scrapworks Salvage co-op map
That Hagisi Lied (Bronze)
Objective: Complete Act 3
Upper Echelon (Bronze)
Objective: Kill 100 players
Vehicular Manslaughter (Bronze)
Objective: Kill 25 players by running them over
Wharfie (Bronze)
Objective: Win 10 matches in Waterfront
Who... Are You? (Bronze)
Objective: Complete Act 5
Wrong Hands (Bronze)
Objective: Complete Act 2
Abundance of EGO (Silver)
Objective: Earn 50 perks
Calculated Killer (Silver)
Objective: Kill 10,000 enemies
EGO Maniac (Silver)
Objective: Completely upgrade 25 perks
Good Cardio (Silver)
Objective: Swim a total of 1 kilometer
Widely Regarded (Silver)
Objective: Get max reputation with Von Bach Industries, Soleptor Enterprises, Top Notch Toolworks and Echelon
Yeeeeeeehaaaaawww! (Silver)
Objective: Jump a total of 5 kilometers with vehicles
EGOcentric Arkhunter (Gold)
Objective: Reach EGO Rating 2500
Shoot to Skill (Gold)
Objective: Max out one weapon skill
Wait For It... (Gold)
Objective: Equip your first legendary weapon
Legend of Defiance (Platinum)
Objective: Complete all other trophies