- Playstation 2
Easy goals: When one on one with the goalkeeper press L2 Circle to do a finessed shot. This will trick the keeper from going frin one side to the other. For example, fake right and shoot left or vice versa. It will go in about 90 of the time. s t. If you have the ball and are outside the area but not on your half, you can check on the map how far the keeper is off his line. Normally he is about two meters. You can lob him easily if you get the power correct. Easy wins: Easy unlockable points: Easy money: Preview unlockables: Finding Giovanni Dos Santos: Double stepover: Recommended teams: GK: Cech Substitutes Try the following team in 4-4-2 formation. GK: Dida Substitutes Goalkeeper does not move: Refill Team Stamina: Unlockables in the fan shop Then go to Fan Shop under MY FIFA 07. Effect - Code AC Milan 3rd kit - spend 1250 points in the fan shop |