- Super Nintendo
Money trick: This only works if you have the cheat Action Replay for "All Tools in Shed". Whenever Van comes to town, quickly go to the Tool Shed, locate the "Fishing Pole G" and keep pressing "A". The Fishing Pole sells for about 1000 Gold a-piece. Keep pressing "A" until you have 99 of them in your Rucksack. Then, walk down to Van's and sell all 99. Repeat as needed in one day you can receive 500,000 Gold. Call your horse: Raising Heart Rates: Muffy: Nami: Cutscence with the girls and what they like: Celia: Have 2 hearts with Celia and leave your house around noon. This triggers an event with Celia and the spring. Celia: Have 3 hearts with Celia. Enter Vesta's house when Celia is inside and Vesta and Marlin are in the storage room. This triggers a scene with a shopping trip. Celia: Have 3 hearts with Celia and enter her house when Celia is inside. This triggers a scene where she takes you to the spring and she speaks of another man. Celia: Have 4 hearts with Celia and Vesta's house while Celia, Vesta, and Marlin are inside. They're arguing about the guy Celia is supposed to marry. Celia: Have 4 hearts with Celia and leave your house after 6AM. This triggers a scene where Celia is missing and she says she loves you. Muffy: Have 1 heart with Muffy and exit your house around noon and this triggers a scene with Muffy and your dog. Muffy: Have 2 hearts with Muffy and enter the bar during the evening for a scene with Muffy and a broken dish. Muffy: Have 3 hearts with Muffy exit your house around noon and Muffy will talk to you about her trip to a wedding. Muffy: Have 4 hearts with Muffy and go to bed from 6-8PM. Muffy comes by and says she thinks she being followed. Muffy: Have 4 hearts with Muffy and enter the bar around noon. This will trigger a scene where you take Muffy on a date. Nami: Have 1 heart with Nami and leave your house around noon. Nami: Have 2 hearts with Nami. Enter the bar when only Nami, Muffy, and Griffin are inside. Nami: Have 3 hearts with Nami. Enter your house around 8. Nami: Have 4 hearts with Nami. Enter the Inner Inn around 10PM. Nami: Have 4 hearts with Nami and enter the Inn late winter. Celia likes: Goddess Drop flowers Muffy likes: Flowers and milk Nami: Fossils and clay statues, cooking, crops, Trick Blue Flowers, and watermelons. Tartan: Nami Comes Back to Town: |