- Playstation 2
At the title screen don't press any buttons for 1 minute and a special movie will play
Normal combos build up AP. SUPERs and HYPERs require a certain amount of AP. SUPER, HYPER,
and normal arts may all be linked if the last one or two moves of one are the first one or
two moves of the next. Maya cannot link any of her Arts each is an individual
incantation. Variables require two characters, who both must have at least 80 AP. One
character will perform their A move, the other character will perform their B move- for
example, Maya will perform "Pyro Fury" and Kazan will perform "Fatal Impact" to create a
combined attack. Any character's "A" half will link with any other character's "B" half.
MYSTIC arts can only be performed when the character has 100 AP, at least 100 MP, and is
below half health as well.
Notes on chaining Arts- Normal Arts can be chained to the end of HYPER Arts, but HYPER Arts
can not be chained to the end of Normals or other HYPERs. SUPER Arts can be chained to the
end of Normal and HYPER Arts.
I added character Special Abilities as an afterthought, since each character has a unique
one. These can only be activated when the character has the Special Ability skill most
easily found on the Wisdom Bangle equipped as a Defensive Skill, and Guards for a round.
Lang : Arts
Blue Moon Buster: Press Right, Down, Right
Hawk Strike: Press Left, Down2
Blade Dance: Press Down, Left2
Mountain Crusher: Press Up, Right, Up
Thunder Flash: Press Down3
Demon Thrust: Press Down3, Up
Shadow Split: Press Left, Right, Up, Left
Chaos Strike: Press Up, Down, Right, Up
Wind Blade: Press Left, Right, Down, Up, Left
Battle Flash: Press Up, Down2, Left, Right
Rabid Attack: Press Down, Up, Down, Left, Right
Sand Storm Super: Press Right, Left, Right
Red Whirlwind Super: Press Down, Up2, Left
True Moon Slash Super: Press Up, Down2, Up
Thunder Moon Super: Press Up2, Right2
Moon Flower Super: Press Right, Left, Down, Left, Right
Raging Fang Hyper: Press Up, Down, Up
Roaring Fang Hyper: Press Up, Right, Left, Up
Divine Bolt Hyper: Press Up, Down2, Right
Sky Fang Hyper: Press Up, Down, Right, Left, Up
Thunder Sky Hyper: Press Down, Left, Down, Right, Up
Sleeping Dragon Hyper: Press Left, Up, Right, Left, Down, Up
Airborne Fury Variable: Press Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left
Solid Strike Variable: Press Left, Right, Left, Down, Up, Down
Kazan : Arts
Lightning Kick 16: Press Left, Up, Down
Critical Thrust 16: Press Up, Right, Right
Moon Splitter 16: Press Down, Left, Right
Double Kick 20: Press Down, Up, Up, Up
Double Fists 20: Press Down, Down, Down, Up
Jaw Buster 20: Press Right, Right, Up, Up
Goblin Dance 20: Press Right, Right, Left, Right
Fever Wind 24: Press Down, Left, Left, Down, Right
Aerial Attack -24; Super: Press Left, Right, Down, Up
Iron Fists -24; Super: Press Up, Right, Left, Left
Deadly Hands -24; Super: Press Up, Down, Right, Up
Cannon Blast -32; Super: Press Up, Up, Left, Down, Right
Fists Of Rage -30; Hyper: Press Left, Left, Left
Fists Of Glory -40; Hyper: Press Left, Left, Right, Left
Earth Shaker -40; Hyper: Press Right, Left, Up, Up
Hyper Blast -50; Hyper: Press Up, Left, Right, Down, Down
Sky Shaker -50; Hyper: Press Up, Left, Right, Up, Down
Ultimate Fury -60; Hyper: Press Up, Left, Right, Left, Down, Down
Fatal Impact -80; Variable: Press Right, Right, Left, Left, Down, Up
Demon Crusher -80; Variable: Press Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left
Fists Of Stone -100; Mystic: Press Down, Right, Left, Up, Right, Left, Down
Maya : Arts
Wind Blade: Press Right, Left, Up
Thunderhead: Press Right, Up, Left
Bed Rock Buster: Press Down, Right, Down
Dark Disaster: Press Down2, Up
Ice Floe: Press Up, Right, Right
Blind Fury: Press Left, Up, Right
Inferno: Press Left, Down, Left
Magma Mayhem: Press Left3, Down
Nova Heat: Press Left, Up2, Left
Aqua Spear: Press Right, Down, Up, Right
Ice Pyre: Press Right2, Down2
Toxic Cloud Super: Press Right, Up, Down
Sky Splitter Super: Press Left2, Right, Left
Blizzard Blast Super: Press Up2, Right, Up
Gravity Crush Super: Press Down, Up, Down2
Ballistic Light Super: Press Down2, Left2
Spirit Storm Super: Press Up, Right, Up, Right
Meteor Storm Super: Press Down, Left3, Right
Big Bang Hyper: Press Down, Up, Right, Left
Absolute Zero Hyper: Press Right4
Dust to Dust Hyper: Press Down4
Raging Sky Hyper: Press Up4
Dancing Flames Hyper: Press Left5
Nether Gate Hyper: Press Down, Up, Left, Right, Down, Down
O Pyro Fury Variable: Press Right, Left, Left, Up, Down, Right
F Shockwave Variable: Press Left, Right, Down, Up, Down, Right
Forbidden Rite Mystic: Press Down, Up, Right, Down, Up, Left, Down
Sharon : Arts
Slay Cutlass: Press Right, Left, Up.
Spike Anchor: Press Up, Down, Right.
Riot Flag: Press Up, Left2, Up.
Bloody Fang: Press Left, Up, Down, Left.
Rumble Spike: Press Left, Up3.
Rising Stars: Press Right, Down, Right2.
Range Wave: Press Down, Right, Down, Left.
Rave Storm: Press Down, Up, Right, Left, Right.
Blood Spark: Press Down, Right, Left, Right, Up.
Fear Galgarin Super: Press Left2, Down.
Crescent Heel Super: Press Up2, Right2.
Spiral Blade Super: Press Left2, Right, Up.
Peach Surprise Super: Press Down, Up, Down, Left.
Surf Divide Super: Press Right, Left, Down2.
Fearful Arc Hyper: Press Left, Right2.
Merciful Arc Hyper: Press Right, Up, Left, Down.
Lord of Eden Hyper: Press Left, Right, Left, Right.
Sky Lord Hyper: Press Left, Right, Down, Left, Right.
Windmill Rose Hyper: Press Down, Up4.
Detonating Rose Hyper: Press Down3, Up3.
Splash Rave Variable A: Press Down2, Left, Right, Up2.
Phantom Burst Variable B: Press Left, Down, Up, Right, Down, Right.
Apokolips Mystic : Press Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, Up.
Ayne : Arts
Soaring Axe Variable 2: Press Left2, Right2, Down, Up
Armageddon Star Variable 1: Press Up, Down, Left2, Right2
Axe Crush Hyper: Press Up, Left, Down, Left, Right
Power Blade Hyper: Press Down, Right, Down
Raging Warrior Hyper: Press Right, Up, Left, Up
Firestorm Hyper: Press Left, Down2
Galeforce Hyper: Press Left2, Up
Solid Blow Hyper: Press Down, Right2
Full Impact: Press Right, Left, Up, Down
Tidal Wave: Press Up, Right, Down, Left
Shockforce: Press Down, Right, Left
Whirlwind Attack: Press Left, Down, Up
Earthrazor: Press Right, Up, Down
Disaster Master: Press Up, Left, Right
The Point Card
Go to the wilderness of Nohl, go inside the house you start in. Go to the most right room in the houseHawke's Room and go inside. Go to the drawer and open it up.And there is the point card.
Amber sword
When you battle Sir Raynoff, got to one of the stores on the poor part of the villige that is outside the castle. Go to the front desk you must have the VIP card and talk to the man behind the counter. He will ask if you came to buy. Say yes and the AMBER SWORD is listed with other items.
Easy way to beat Zahatuls
Ok the best way to beat these guys is to have a point card handy with up to 37,000 points on it.Trust me on this because i was level 41 and i still got my ass kicked. you need to have sharon's skylord hyper art and the giants fire storm hyper art THESE HELP when you win you should split the money with steil then you end up getting a bonus commission of 80,000 along with the 90,000 you are supposed to get. and if you don't know how to get this go to the hunters guild in Kravia
Bosses Health's
Bos's Name - Health
Avalon Mortal - 69760
Avalon Resurrected - 257088
Bubba - 45248
Elfin - 2236
Elliot - 78239
Gather Crab - 1074
Gorgoneon Golden Giant - 140260
Inferno - 13246
Infinite One - 365856
Marienne - 91040
Mighty Balken - 1775
Mountain Morg - 896Origin Attack
Rauss Black Swordsman - 84041
Rauss - 220297
Raynof The Brave - 28000
Slogar - 16763
Storm Idol - 45248
Val Kenus - 86028
Val Kurtz - 52217
Val Zelph - 142273
Velna - 46016
Vestra - 98880
Wicked Crystal Dark - 60808
Wicked Crystal Earth - 60808
Wicked Crystal Light- 60808
Zoan Stoara - 27338