- Playstation 3
I Buy the Issues (Bronze)
Objective: View one ending in Arcade mode.
Saving My Quarters (Bronze)
Objective: Beat Arcade mode without using any continues.
World Warrior (Bronze)
Objective: Earn 5,000 Player Points (PP).
Average Joe (Bronze)
Objective: Land a Viewtiful Combo. (Arcade/online only)
Brusin' Bruce (Bronze)
Objective: Land an Incredible Combo. (Arcade/online only)
Playtime Is Over (Bronze)
Objective: Surpass the rank of Amateur.
Welcome to Avengers Academy! (Bronze)
Objective: Clear 80 missions in Mission mode.
Passed the Field Test (Bronze)
Objective: Clear 160 missions in Mission Mode.
Mega Buster (Bronze)
Objective: Use 1,000 Hyper Combo Gauge bars. (Arcade/online only)
Ultimate Nullifier (Bronze)
Objective: Perform 30 successful Advancing Guards. (Arcade/online only)
Be Gone! (Bronze)
Objective: Perform 10 Snap Backs. (Arcade/online only)
Back at 'Cha! (Bronze)
Objective: Perform 10 successful Crossover Counters. (Arcade/online only)
Excelsior! (Bronze)
Objective: Perform 10 Team Aerial Combos. (Arcade/online only)
Wreak 'Havok' (Bronze)
Objective: Use X-Factor in a match. (Arcade/online only)
Turn the Tables (Bronze)
Objective: Land a Team Aerial Counter in a match. (Arcade/online only)
Avengers Assemble! (Bronze)
Objective: Make a team composed of the Big 3 and win a match. (Arcade/online only)
Badds to the Bone (Bronze)
Objective: Make a team of three who have altered their bodies, and win a match. (Arcade/online only)
Darkstalkers (Bronze)
Objective: Make a team composed of those who dwell in the darkness, and win a match. (Arcade/online only)
Weapon X (Bronze)
Objective: Make a team composed of Weapon-X test subjects, and win a match. (Arcade/online only)
Female Flyers (Bronze)
Objective: Make a team composed of women who can fly, and win a match. (Arcade/online only)
Whose Side Are You On? (Bronze)
Objective: Bring about an end to the Civil War in an online match.
Fate of Two Worlds (Bronze)
Objective: Make a match between the marquee characters for this game a reality in an online match.
Duty and Deus Ex Machina (Bronze)
Objective: Make a match between a national hero and a killing machine a reality in an online match.
Copy This! (Bronze)
Objective: Put an end to this game of spider and fly in an online match.
Raccoon City Incident (Bronze)
Objective: Settle things between former S.T.A.R.S. members in an online match.
Fate of the Satsui no Hadou (Bronze)
Objective: Decide who is the true master of the fist in an online match.
Brave New World (Bronze)
Objective: Participate in any mode online.
Steel Battalion (Bronze)
Objective: Block 100 times. (Arcade/online only)
Passport to Beatdown Country (Bronze)
Objective: Fight in all of the stages.
Who Will Answer the Call? (Bronze)
Objective: Participate in an 8 player Lobby online.
A Hero Stands Alone (Bronze)
Objective: Win a match without calling your partners or switching out. (Arcade/online only)
Need a Healing Partner (Bronze)
Objective: Win a match without blocking. (Arcade/online only)
School for the Gifted (Bronze)
Objective: Get a 5 game win streak in Ranked Match.
Herculean Task (Silver)
Objective: Beat Arcade mode on the hardest difficulty.
Champion Edition Hero (Silver)
Objective: Earn 30,000 Player Points (PP).
Super Turbo Brawler (Silver)
Objective: Earn 100,000 Player Points (PP).
Charles in Charge (Silver)
Objective: Land an Uncanny Combo. (Arcade/online only)
Leading the Charge (Silver)
Objective: Surpass the rank of Fighter.
Combat Specialist (Silver)
Objective: In Ranked Match, surpass the '1st' class rank, or fight someone who has.
A New Avenger (Silver)
Objective: Clear 320 missions in Mission mode.
Big Bang Theory (Silver)
Objective: Perform 30 Hyper Combo Finishes. (Arcade/online only)
Galactic Smasher (Silver)
Objective: Perform 30 Crossover Combination Finishes. (Arcade/online only)
One Step Ahead (Silver)
Objective: Land 50 First Attacks in a match. (Arcade/online only)
Full Roster (Silver)
Objective: Battle against all characters online.
Waiting for the Trade (Gold)
Objective: View all endins in Arcade mode.
Comic Collector (Gold)
Objective: Unlock all items in the Gallery.
Master of Fate (Platinum)
Objective: Obtain all Trophies.